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  3rd Aldurian presidential elections [1683 / April-May 2020]
Posted by: Alduria - 04-21-2020, 04:55 PM - Forum: Meta / Administrative Announcements - Replies (2)

[Image: NippyGrayAgama-size_restricted.gif]

It's time to run for President again!

This thread will contain all the information you need for the Aldurian presidential elections of 1683 AN.

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  NABC NEWS: Democratic Socialists Win Plurality of Seats
Posted by: Alduria - 04-12-2020, 12:23 AM - Forum: National Aldurian Broadcasting Corporation - No Replies

[Image: AarVs76.png]

PUNTA SANTIAGO — Riding a wave of populist anger fueled by violence and political scandal, the leftist leader Marco Zimmer was elected Prime Minister of Alduria, seizing a plurality of seats in the Aldurian Parliament and upending the nation’s political establishment.

Mr. Zimmer’s victory puts a leftist leader at the helm of Eura's largest economy for the first time in its history, a prospect that has filled millions of Aldurians with hope — and the nation’s elites with trepidation.

The outcome represents a clear rejection of the status quo in the nation, which for the last ten years has been defined by a largely center-right vision and an embrace of small government that many Aldurians feel has not served them.

The core promises of Mr. Zimmer's campaign — tackle economic inequality, nationalize health care, and expand education — were immensely popular with voters, but they come with questions he and his new government may struggle to answer.

How will he pay for his ambitious slate of social programs without overspending and harming the economy? How will he achieve his leftist agenda when he will have to partner with other parties to govern? How will Mr. Zimmer govern?

“It is time for a change, it’s time to go with Zimmer and the Democratic Socialists, and see if things change,” said Felipe Noriega, 38, a teacher in Punta Santiago. “This will be my first time voting for a different party.”

In his first election as leader of the rebranded Democratic Socialist Party, Mr. Zimmer won in an off-year election held due to his withdrawal from the Prime Minister's governing coalition early in 1682. The Democratic Socialist Party won, according to early returns, 53 more seats in Parliament. It is projected to win a total of 112 seats.

But without a coalition partner, Zimmer is short of a majority by 59 votes.

In a tweet, Mr. Zimmer praised democracy and struck a conciliatory tone. "I would like to congratulate all the parties on their campaigns and I think we can all agree that democracy is a wonderful thing. I would also like to thank all our actavists (sic) and DSP voters for helping us achieve this result," he said. "Let’s move forward to a better future with a country that works for all."

In response to the results, Prime Minister Alfonso Velez also tweeted his concession saying that "as the largest party, DSP should have the first opportunity to form a Government." He also affirmed that he and the LDP were "not done fighting for Liberty & Democracy and will continue the fight in Parliament".

Mr. Zimmer campaigned on a narrative of social change, including building more housing and setting a CEO:Worker ratio of bonuses and wages.

During the campaign, he created a vision of greater involvement and control of the government over the economy but failed to mention how he would fund his programs. Activists and surrogates on the campaign trail often quoted savings that would be brought by eliminating waste, corruption, and corporate subsidies. The windfall from such action materializing, however, is doubted by many experts.

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  The 3rd Aldurian parliamentary elections, 1682 AN (March / Early April 2020)
Posted by: Alduria - 03-14-2020, 04:24 PM - Forum: Meta / Administrative Announcements - Replies (6)

[Image: source.gif]

Parliament is dissolved and an election has been called!

The election will run for two weeks - the first week will be devoted to candidate registration and for the parties to plan their election campaigns and put together their manifestos. The second week will focus on the actual election, which will include a manifesto launch, speeches, and ads for three days.

The current elections will only deal with parliament. Presidential elections will be at the end of the next month.

The election calendar will be as follows:
  • March 30: Candidate registrations begin - everyone who wants to run for Parliament will file their candidacy papers, this will serve as a roll call to see who will be involved in the election and the state they will represent in Parliament. (If you forgot, look in your bio or in past election sign-ins. Click here for last election's candidacy thread.)
  • April 3: Candidate registrations close - Candidates that do not file their candidacy papers will not be able to participate in the election. Parties that fail to field candidates considered non-existing or defunct.
  • April 3: Pre-polls posted - A thorough polling report about the state of affairs at the beginning of the election will be posted. It will include political party strength nationally, party strength state by state, along with approval ratings. Pre-polls shall be posted by the end of the day on April 3, 11:59 pm EST.
  • April 4: Party manifesto launch - All parties will need to submit a manifesto that lays out policies, ideas, and details about what they hope to implement or pursue in Parliament if they are given the chance to govern. Manifestos will need to be submitted by the end of the day on April 4th, defined as 11:59 pm EST.
  • April 6 to April 9: Election campaign - Each day of the campaign is one turn (except for April 8, mid-poll and break day). The parties, through their candidates, will have to have made at least some submission of material, speeches, or activities for them to advance and grow in the polls. The quality of the content will be judged on substance, clarity, messaging, and persuasion. Consistently high-quality speeches or campaign activities will impact polling strongly. You can get away with losing a day of the campaign or not submitting every day, but if you let it go for too long, it will start to hurt you electorally. Each turn ends at the end of the day, defined as 11:59 pm EST.
  • April 8: Break, mid-polls, and campaign commentary - You will not need to submit anything on April 8, consider it a break day. I will provide you with polling on how you are doing so far, along with basic commentary on what you're doing well and what you're doing wrong, so you can improve before the end of the campaign.
  • April 11: Results - Results will be released throughout the day, on Discord and on the forum.

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  Looking for an Administrator
Posted by: Alduria - 03-04-2020, 05:54 PM - Forum: Meta / Administrative Announcements - Replies (1)

It has become painfully clear over the past few months that I need help to make Alduria vibrant and run the simulation here.

I am looking for someone to help me administer the simulation, create news content and new political scenarios, and polish, update, and develop materials for Alduria such as the Guide to Alduria. This person will have administrative powers in the forum and in the Discord server.

This person should have experience, new ideas, and should be well-versed in Aldurian affairs. Also, this person should have knowledge of MediaWiki as we will be working to write content for Alduria in MicrasWiki (this is something all Aldurians can do regardless of whether they're admins or not!).

This person will be expected, if they are a player, to stop playing and devote their efforts in making Alduria more active, more responsive, and more fun.

Please let me know if you are interested via private message on the forum or private message in Discord.

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  NABC NEWS: Government in Silence as Faithful Mourn
Posted by: Alduria - 01-11-2020, 10:05 PM - Forum: National Aldurian Broadcasting Corporation - No Replies

[Image: vo8B4sE.png]
NARBONNE, ASUARA -- A group of protesters demanded today that Alduria's Prime Minister, Alfonso Velez, step down after the government has failed to respond at a wave of violence from Babhki extremists against the Prosperity for All Megachurch of Plenty.

At the funeral of one of the victims of the recent attack, Pastor Glen Wilkins spoke to the congregation calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Velez. "The Prime Minister has shown us he couldn't care any less about Aldurians except during election time. Our congregation is hurting, our people are hurting. We need a government that responds to this violence and fights to prevent it."

Spontaneous protests have sprung up since the attack, calling on the Prime Minister to take action. The attacks on the Prosperity for All Megachurch of Plenty have opened up serious rifts in the country, bringing to the forefront the conflict between the significant Babhki minority in Alduria and the Alexandro-Caputian majority.

The Aldurian ambassador to Constancia, Felipe Garfield, announced his resignation from his post in protest to the government's inaction, saying "If the government will not protect its people, I have no business serving it."

Counterprotests from Alduria's Babhki community have sprung up around the country, highlighting the allegedly corrupt practices of the Prosperity for All Megachurch of Plenty. The church has been slammed by Zurvanite clergy as a "cynical cult" and a "vehicle for the enrichment of its pastors that preys upon the deluded and the truly desperate in order to fund the lavish lifestyles of its senior clergy." Babhki demonstrators ripped up pictures of the Prime Minister and burned him in effigy.

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  NABC NEWS: Eight Killed in Church Attack in Narbonne
Posted by: Alduria - 01-02-2020, 04:41 PM - Forum: National Aldurian Broadcasting Corporation - No Replies

Eight Killed in Church Attack in Narbonne
Heavily armed men storm a Prosperity for All Megachurch of Plenty church and open fire on worshippers, killing at least eight in the latest Sunday service attack

NARBONNE, ASUARA -- Eight people were killed in an attack on a church of the Prosperity for All Megachurch of Plenty in a Babhki-majority neighborhood in the city of Narbonne, the latest in a string of assaults on Nazarene places of worship in the region.

"The Nazarene community of the neighborhood of Jannah was the target of a terrorist attack gathered for Sunday prayers," the press secretary of the Prosperity for All Megachurch of Plenty, Joseph Barton, said in a statement on Sunday. "The attack left eight of the faithful dead."

"[The attack] caused panic in the village and many residents sought cover in their homes or in the bush," a local resident said.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attacks that threaten to upend relations between the majority Nazarene and the minority Zurvanite communities in Alduria.

This is the first registered attack in 1680 AN, after growing threats by armed Zurvanite groups target Nazarene clergy as well as Eurani or Ladino scholars they do not consider sufficiently conservative in a country that is largely trending more and more cosmopolitan and liberal.

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  The Times of Alduria Op-Ed Party Leader Challenge
Posted by: Alduria - 12-29-2019, 07:18 PM - Forum: Meta / Administrative Announcements - Replies (2)

Due by January 4, 11:59pm EST; via private message on the forums to me.

WRITE AN OP-ED ON A TOPIC OF YOUR CHOOSING: The Times of Alduria will allow each party leader an opportunity to write an op-ed that will run in their newspaper, which has national circulation. Each party leader can use the opportunity to discuss whatever subject they'd like.

For references:
 - You can start by looking at the issues still fresh in the minds of voters. The polling from just before the election still holds true, Parliament just opened and people are looking at you for action:

- Topic ideas: Look through the news and try to seize on an issue that no one has really sounded off on. Some examples are corruption in government, national defense, and foreign policy.

- Your audience is national. That means a lot of different people will be reading your op-ed, so tailor your message to them.

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  Holiday Break
Posted by: Alduria - 12-20-2019, 10:38 AM - Forum: Meta / Administrative Announcements - No Replies

Hello all,

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up - things will be very, very slow around here for the next few weeks as we all celebrate the holidays in this season.

You can expect things to pick up again after the New Year.

I may be posting news stories and updates because I will have free time. But I won't be expecting reactions or anything until after the New Year. I will also do better about notifying everyone on Discord about news, debates, stories, and other things! I will also be rearranging and reorganizing the forums, along with reworking the descriptions for the forums to point out better where things should go.

Hope everyone has a wonderful time with family and friends!

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  NABC NEWS: Kerularios & Co CEO Sounds Alarm on Threats to Key Aldurian Trade Routes
Posted by: Alduria - 11-28-2019, 08:45 PM - Forum: National Aldurian Broadcasting Corporation - No Replies


Punta Santiago, AlduriaKerularios and Company, the largest shipping company in Alduria, has announced today that it shall strengthen security measures in the face of growing threats to key Aldurian trade routes stemming from the Second Amokolian War.

The company has also requested that the new Parliament and the next Coalition Government address this growing threat to Alduria’s food security and economic stability.

“Our commercial routes between Ransenar and Alduria are among the most important, for they supply almost 16% of Alduria’s food needs,” explained Kerularios and Company CEO Maximinus Kerularios. “And Ransenar is a key customer of Aldurian oil. Disruption to these routes could be threatening to all of Alduria and its economy, not just to the company.”

Krasnocoria, historically a key Aldurian regional trade partner and friend, has entered the Second Amokolian War against Ransenar and the Raspur Pact, on the side of the Frankish Empire, Batavia, Los Liberados, and Verionian interests.

There is concern among many foreign policy experts in Alduria that Krasnocorian entry could potentially draw in the rest of the USSO alliance, which are Jingdao, Alrig, Krasnocoria, Passio-Corum, Graustark, and Craitland.

This would place Alduria in a precarious position, between two of the largest political and diplomatic blocs in Micras: the Raspur Pact and the USSO. Alduria has traditionally maintained an armed neutrality position, building key trade and cultural partnerships with Jingdao, Alrig, and Krasnocoria, as well as many Raspur Pact nations.

As markets became increasingly globalized in recent years, shipping volumes soared and served as a main driver of Aldurian economic growth for the last decade. Routes between Alduria and the nations of Ransenar, the UGB, Natopia, the Wechua Nation, Constancia and Elwynn (all Raspur Pact nations) covered almost 56% of all Aldurian trade in 1678 AN.

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  Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by: Alduria - 11-27-2019, 12:40 PM - Forum: Meta / Administrative Announcements - No Replies

[Image: Turkey-day-300x231.jpg]

Just wanted to take the time to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Starting today until Saturday, I will be largely unavailable due to the holiday.

The Opening of Parliament will begin on Saturday.

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