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The Republic of Alduria
B-006: Aldurian Accession to the Raspur Pact Act, 1680 - Printable Version

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B-006: Aldurian Accession to the Raspur Pact Act, 1680 - Alduria - 02-05-2020

[Image: bDpWGM0.png]
Aldurian Accession to the Raspur Pact Act, 1680

An Act to make provisions for the accession of the Republic of Alduria to SANE (also known as the Raspur Pact); among other purposes.

BE IT ENACTED by the duly elected Parliament of the Republic of Alduria assembled, - 

ARTICLE 1.Citation, Applicability.
  1. This Act shall be cited as the Aldurian Accession to the Raspur Pact Act, 1680. 
  2. This Act shall be applicable to all of the Republic of Alduria. 
ARTICLE 2.Recognition of Invitation.
  1. The Republic of Alduria recognizes the invitation to join the Raspur Pact extended by the Imperial State of Constancia and its Government, and expresses its most sincere thanks in extending this invitation;
  2. Article 24 of the SANE Treaty (the Treaty that establishes the Raspur Pact) makes provisions for the legal and lawful invitation of a sovereign state, and that by virtue of Article 2 of this Act, the legal and lawful invitation has been extended.
ARTICLE 3.Ratification of the Treaty and effect in the law.
  1. The Treaty, a copy of which is present as Schedule I, is hereby ratified and shall have the full and binding effect on the laws of Alduria through this Act. All such implications shall be subject to this Act's enforcement.
  2. Upon passage of this Act, the Secretary of State shall deposit this instrument of accession and take all other necessary measures to complete the process of joining the Raspur Pact.
ARTICLE 4.Commencement, Severability. 
  1. This Act shall go into effect immediately upon constitutional passage. 
  2. The provisions of this act are severable. If any part of this act is declared invalid or unconstitutional, that declaration shall not affect the part which remains. 
SCHEDULE I.SANE Treaty / Raspur Pact Treaty.
The Shirerithian, Alexandrian, and Natopian Entente

As agreed upon and proposed by the ministers of the governments of Shireroth, Alexandria, and Natopia united together in friendly congress, the occasion has been judged proper for asserting, as a principle in which the rights and interests of Shireroth, Alexandria, and Natopia are involved, that the Western Hemisphere, that is the continents of Benacia, Cibola, Tapfer, and associated major and minor outlying islands, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future interference by any Other states. We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between Shireroth, Alexandria, and Natopia and those Other states in the world to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their influence to any portion of the Western Hemisphere as dangerous to our collective stability, peace, and safety. With the existing colonies or dependencies of any Other state we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with the Governments who have declared their independence and maintained it, and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any Other state in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the Western Powers. To further this shared goal Shireroth, Alexandria, and Natopia join together as allied, aligned, and cooperative states under the following provisions.

RECOGNISING the necessity for the creation of a new partnership of nations confirming as the basis of their partnership the certitude of adhering to the same set of common beliefs and values that encourage freedom and stability throughout the Western Hemisphere;

SEEKING to preserve freedom for posterity, as well as the common heritage and civilisation of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law;

DESIRING to work together towards the preservation and the establishment of a lasting and strong state of international stability and well-being to Micras;

STRESSING the need to take necessary and effective steps to prevent and remove threats to the peace and stability of our nations, and to work together for the suppression of acts of aggression;

BELIEVING that a strong and real international partnership based on co-operation will include a commitment to working together to solve international problems of a economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character; 
  1. The Signatory Nations hereby declare that they undertake to settle any possible international disputes in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that the international peace and security are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of this partnership;
  2. The Signatory Nations will contribute toward the continued development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by the continued promotion of stability and well-being.
  3. The Signatory Nations shall strive to consult together when in the opinion of any of them the territorial integrity, national sovereignty, political independence or security of any of its members is threatened;
  4. The Signatory Nations hereby pledge that an armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently agree that in the occurrence of such attack, that each of them shall exercise their right of individual or collective self-defence and assist in concert with the other Signatory Nations to pursue the necessary and proper actions to restore and maintain the security of the threatened and attacked.
    1. Where a Signatory Nation is the instigator of an attack on another power that was not in self-defence in the face of an imminent proven threat of attack, no obligation shall exist on the part of other Signatory Nations to intervene except to offer humanitarian assistance and or mediation to the belligerent parties.
  5. The Signatory Nations pledge to, jointly and separately, maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack, and to defeat any threat to its security, domestic or foreign through effective self-help and mutual aid;
  6. The Signatory Nations have agreed to work together to create, under Natopian guidance, an orbital defence force for the better protection of the Western Hemisphere, the swifter detection and interception of unsanctioned weapons of mass destruction and for the defence of Micras and the interests of the Signatory Nations in the wider Atos System against any external force or anomalous phenomena;
    1. Except in the aforementioned instance of the interception of inbound threats, the orbital defence force may only be used with the expressed unanimous consent of all the Signatory Nations;
  7. The Signatory Nations agree to the exchange of sensitive commercial and military technologies within the confines of the Shirerithian Alexandrian and Natopian Entente with the understanding that such exchanges shall be mutually beneficial, reciprocal, adequately compensated and subject to export controls to prohibit the passage of technologies or the product of the application of those technologies outside of the alliance;
  8. The Signatory Nations pledge to conduct joint maritime exercises to better familiarise their respective armed forces with their allied counterparts;
    Being mindful of the Convention on the Laws of the Seas which states that acts of piracy, boarding with hostile intent, purposeful harm to a person, and purposeful obstruction of transit in International Waters are to be considered intolerable and go against the order and law of the high seas; the Signatory Nations authorises and institutes a Joint Mission which shall be known as the Festival de las Armadas.
    1. The objective of the Festival de las Armadas shall be to prevent, detect, deter, disrupt and suppress acts of piracy, sea-based terrorism, armed robbery at sea, and other acts of organized maritime crime by:
      1. carrying out patrols;
      2. coming to the aid of vessels under piratical attack or other distress at the request of its captain;
      3. arresting persons engaged in piratical activity;
      4. liberating vessels hijacked by pirates;
      5. freeing persons kidnapped or otherwise unlawfully held by pirates;
      6. seizing goods taken by pirates to return them to their rightful owner, with the Natopian Supreme Court having the legal role of admiralty court;
      7. escorting ships accross the seas at the request of the owner(s).
    2. The activities in the preceding Article shall be carried out on the High Seas as well as waters adjacent to "The Green". The Festival de las Armadas may also take out pirate dens in "The Green";
    3. The naval forces of the Signatory Nations, participating in the Festival de las Armadas may use, where they encounter force or threat of force by pirates or other aggressor force, such reasonable force as needed to counter that force;
    4. The Signatory Nations may, by mutual agreement, terminate the mission of the Festival de las Armadas when they are satisfied that its objectives have been substantially met.
  9. The Signatory Nations have agreed to establish a Joint Command of the armed forces that by agreement among the Signatory Nations shall be assigned to the Command, which shall function on the basis of jointly established principles. They shall likewise adopt other agreed measures necessary to strengthen their defensive power, in order to protect respective peoples, guarantee the inviolability of their frontiers and territories, and provide defence against possible aggression.
    1. The Joint Military Council shall be composed of an equal number of representatives for all Signatory Nations. Representatives shall be appointed by the chief military authority of each Signatory Nation to this treaty. The Joint Military Council shall implement Articles 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 of this agreement. The Council shall have a Chairman elected among themselves who shall preside over its meetings who shall cease to be a representative upon election, with a new representative selected to fill these vacancies. The Chairman shall serve at the pleasure of a majority of the representatives.
  10. The maritime borders between the States shall be governed with the provisions of the Micras Treaty Organization's Convention on the Laws of the Seas, the Tapfer Treaty and pre-existing bilateral treaties among the Signatory Nations;
  11. Transit passage is permitted only for private and commercial vessels registered to the States through the reserve zones and territorial waters solely for the purpose of continuous and expeditious travel between one part of the international waters or reserve zone and another;
  12. Military vessels from of the Signatory Nations are barred from the reserve zones and territorial waters of their fellow Signatory Nations without prior authorisation.
  13. No systems of burdensome tariffs, taxes, searches, or regulations will be applied to goods or services produced or bought in one Signatory Nation and exported or sold in the others;
  14. Internal laws regarding prohibition of certain goods or products are not affected by this treaty and the Signatory Nations retain the right to refuse banned goods and products;
    1. The Imperial States of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth may opt to not participate in the economic provisions of this treaty by notification to the Imperial Government of Shireroth which is then to notify the Government of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation who shall formally advise the other Signatory Nations of a derogation from the treaty by a Shirerithian Imperial State. No derogation by a Shirerithian Imperial State shall affect the full standing of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth as a Signatory Nation.
  15. The Signatory Nations shall in their own territory allow the citizens of the other Signatory Nations the right to take on residency, work and study without let or hindrance in accordance with their respective laws;
  16. Each Signatory Nation may deport a citizen of the other Signatory Nations only if such person has been found guilty in a native court of law of a crime, if such person is by a court of law deemed a reasonable threat to the peace, or if such person is deemed by the Executive to be an agent of the government of the other Signatory Nation and has engaged in espionage;
  17. In criminal proceedings, a court of law in one Signatory Nation may request to a court of law in the other to extradite any person resident in or citizen of that first Signatory Nation if that resident or citizen has been indicted for a crime. Such request shall be granted unless it is obvious that the alleged crime is political in nature.
  18. In criminal proceedings, a court of law in one Signatory Nation may request to a court of law in the other to extradite any person resident in that second Signatory Nation if that person has been indicted for a crime. Such request shall be granted only if agreed by the governments of the Signatory Nations concerned.
  19. The airspace of a Signatory Nation is defined as all air, up to 100km, directly above the Signatory Nation and its territorial water, but not its reserve zone. The airspace of Bencia, Cibola, and Tapfer is open to all other Signatory Nations for commercial and passenger services. This access may be temporarily revoked by a Signatory Nation in national emergencies. Airspace within a Signatory Nation's reserve zone, or international airspace beyond a Power's reserve zone and not included in any other nation's reserve zone may be placed under the air traffic control agency of a Signatory Nation for controlling passenger and cargo planes safely. Military aircraft may not use another Tapfer Power's airspace without prior authorization.
  20. The Signatory Nations agree upon the principle of expanding the regime of international governance enshrined in the "Tapfer Continental Organization and Standardization Treaty", being an example of modern best practice in the genre, to the other Western Hemisphere continents of Benacia and Cibola.
  21. Each Signatory Nation declares that none of the international engagements now in force between it and any other of the Signatory Nations or any third State is in conflict with the provisions of this Treaty, and undertakes not to enter into any international engagement in conflict with this Treaty.
  22. Each Signatory Nation gives to the other full faith and credit to all public acts, records, contracts and judicial proceedings in the field of civil law, including records and documents on marriage, property, titles, death and inheritance, in as much as any act, record, document, contract, proceeding is done according to the law. Executive agreement between the governments of the Signatory Nations may provide for the manner that any act, record, document, contract or proceeding from one contracting party may be validated in the other.
  23. There shall be a Permanent Commission to implement this agreement, to be composed of a single Plenipotentiary to be appointed by the respective Governments of the Signatory Nations, in accordance with their internal procedures. The Permanent Commission shall elect a High Commissioner, who need not be a Plenipotentiary of the Permanent Commission, but who must be a national of a Signatory Nation, and who shall preside over the meetings of the Permanent Commission. The High Commissioner shall administer the Secretariat, which shall provide administrative and operational support to the Permanent Commission.
  24. The Signatory Nations may, by unanimous agreement, invite any other Nation in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the peace, stability and security of the Western Hemisphere to accede to this Treaty. Any Nation so invited may become a Signatory Nation to the Treaty by depositing its instrument of accession with the Government of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation. The Natopian Government shall inform each of the Signatory Nations of the deposit of each such instrument of accession.
  25. This Treaty shall be ratified by its Signatory Nations and its provisions carried out by them in accordance with their respective constitutional processes and requirements. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Government of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation, which will notify all other signatories of each deposit. The Treaty shall enter into force between the Nations which have ratified it as soon as the acts of ratification of Shireroth, Natopia and Alexandria have been deposited and shall come into effect with respect to other Nations on the date of the deposit of their act of ratification.
  26. Any time after the Treaty has been in force for at least one (1) year, any of the Signatory Nations may call for the collective review of the Treaty, having regard for the factors then affecting the peace and security of their nations, the defence of the common values of the Western Hemisphere.
  27. Any Signatory Nation, after having been a Signatory Nation for six (6) months, may withdraw from the Treaty and end its commitment and involvement in the Shirerithian Alexandrian and Natopian Entente. The Government of the withdrawing Signatory Nation must deposit a notice of withdrawal with the Government of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation, which will inform the Governments of the other Signatory Nations of the deposit of each notice of denunciation.
  28. This Treaty shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation, with duly certified copies transmitted by that Government to the Governments of other signatories.
Signed for ShirerothZir Magnificus, Dominus Thorgils Tarjeisson Einhorn Ettlingar Verion
Kaiser of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth

Signed for Alexandria:Jaime Augustin Joaquin Primo de Aguilar
First Consul and Third Consul
Empire of the Alexandrians

Signed for Natopia:Her Imperial Highness, Asara Sisu, Princess of Natopia
Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Chamberlain of the Court of the Calm Waters

RE: B-006: Aldurian Accession to the Raspur Pact Act, 1680 - Seydlitz - 02-08-2020

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