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Speaker Rejo shakes hands with the President of the Republic, thanking him as she takes the gavel. After the obligatory photo shoot of taking the gavel and holding it in the air, Speaker Rejo raps the gavel thrice.
Now that the election for Speaker has concluded, I now call upon the Prime Minister, Mr. Alfonzo Velez, to deliver the agenda for the Government for this session. Following the Prime Minister's presentation, Members will have no less than 48 hours to debate the agenda, at which point the agenda shall proceed to a vote. This vote shall constitute a vote of confidence in the Government.
The Prime Minister is recognized.
Maria Rejo
Liberty & Democracy Party
Speaker of Parliament
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Thank you Madam Speaker,
Firstly, allow me to congratulate you on your election as Speaker of Parliament. I am proud that our first speaker is a talented public servant and able Parliamentarian who also happens to be an out and proud woman. I am proud of the diversity of viewpoints and backgrounds that is represented in the Government and here in Parliament. I'm proud this Government is leading the way in the battle for full equality and we will continue this fight through this session and upcoming sessions.
As we promised during our election campaign, this Government will stand for exactly what the people voted for--Liberty & Democracy. An early priority for this Government will be to amend the Constitution to incorporate greater rights for citizens into the Bill of Rights. Legislation will be presented to you to enshrine the right to a jury trial for citizens accused of all but the most minor offenses as well as for civil matters above a certain amount. The right to a jury trial is an essential cornerstone of any Democratic form of Government—and this Government will ensure that this important liberty is enshrined and protected in our Constitution. We will also ensure that the right to a public trial is protected ensuring that all judicial proceedings are accessible and transparent to the public.
This Government will also amend the Constitution to prevent any Government agency from conducting unreasonable searches or seizure of any person’s property or person without a warrant supported by probable cause—and also explicitly respecting the right to privacy of all citizens. These rights are important to protect citizens from unreasonable intrusions in their public affairs and to ensure their liberty and privacy is respected.
We will also protect the right of responsible citizens to own firearms. This will not forbid reasonable regulations to ensure that persons bearing firearms are familiar with gun safety, and will not prohibit the Government from denying the issuance of firearms to persons who have had severe mental distress or have previous convictions for serious crimes or domestic violence offenses. This liberty is an important aspect of any free society.
Another initial priority for the Government will be creating Standing Orders for this Parliament which allow for the smooth dispatch of business, while also affording ample opportunities for opposition parties to have a fair say in the legislative process and submit business of their own from time to time. You can expect the Standing Orders to be one of the first items of business submitted to this assembly for its consideration.
Strengthening our economy will be an important focus for this Government. We will look for ways to remove unnecessary regulations which stifle innovation and prove costly for small businesses. We must remove barriers which prevent businesses from forming and thriving and, rather, encourage businesses to develop. Small businesses and entrepreneurs are the backbone of the economy. This Government recognizes this—and will fight hard to ensure they succeed so that we succeed.
We will also fight hard to promote trade agreements with other countries which promote free and fair trade—but which put the interests of Alduria first. Global trade is an essential element of a thriving economy and we will work hard to ensure that Alduria’s goods are traded freely and fairly throughout Micras. This Government will also work to lower taxes on businesses, particularly small businesses, so that this money may be invested directly to workers and the economy at large.
The Defense of Aludria will be a paramount priority for this Government. We will work to grow our armed forces and our navy in particular. We will not grow these forces to wage wars of aggression, but rather to act as protectors for our nation and its trade routes and to defend our nation from any threats which may arise and to deter any who would seek to harm us. This Government will make it an equally high priority to stay out of pointless foreign wars, feuds, and other entanglements which might result in Aldurian citizens being placed in the way of harm for foreign interests. Legislation should be expected to achieve these goals.
The current water crisis is a priority for this Government. I’m proud to announce that Secretary Seydlitz and the Department of the Interior are working hard to find both short-term and long-term solutions to this problem. Legislation will be tabled to address this crisis, and a resolution will also be tabled requesting that the President of the Republic take diplomatic measures to request assistance from our friends across Micras. Working together, we can and will solve this crisis and ensure that Alduria has access to a safe, stable water supply for generations to come.
Finally, a priority of this Government will be supporting families—all families. We will introduce legislation to provide tax credits for families so that they can use that money to become more prosperous and, by spending that money, will make Alduria’s economy as a whole healthier and more vibrant. We will also protect the rights of all families. This Government will introduce legislation to legalize same-sex marriage while respecting the rights of religions to determine for themselves what criteria they will use to conduct their own religious ceremonies. We will also introduce legislation to remove barriers to both same sex and unmarried individuals who wish to adopt children in need of a home.
I look forward to working with our excellent coalition partners in the New Center on delivering on our election promises and working together to create a better Alduria. I invite all members, no matter what your party affiliation, to join us in this goal and together forge a better Republic. Thank you Madam Speaker, I commend this agenda to Parliament and ask for its support for both the agenda and this Government.
Alfonso Velez, MP
Liberty and Democracy Party
Leader of the Opposition
CEO of 4Hire and Velez Investments
Former Prime Minister of The Republic of Alduria (1672-1682)
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The Chair thanks the Prime Minister for his remarks.
The Chair now recognizes any Honourable Member who wishes to address Parliament on the Government's agenda. No less than 48 hours shall be allotted to debate before proceeding to a vote which shall constitute a Motion of Confidence in the Government.
Maria Rejo
Liberty & Democracy Party
Speaker of Parliament
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New Center Party votes AYE
Tzvi Barak
(Former) Leader of the New Center Party
Lord of Rakija
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Euran Destiny Party: Nay.
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All time for voting has expired. On this vote, the result is as follows:
AYE: 147
L&D: 80
NC: 57
N-LA: 10
NAY: 89
EDP: 55
NCSD: 21
N-LA: 8
CPA: 5
MFA: 11
N-LA: 5
So the Ayes have it and the Government's agenda is approved. Unlock!
Maria Rejo
Liberty & Democracy Party
Speaker of Parliament