09-23-2019, 11:50 AM
Quote:THE ALDURIAN HERITAGE, CULTURE AND ARTS ACT, 1675An Act to ensure and secure the national interest of the Republic of Alduria with respect to heritage, culture, and arts, among other purposes.
BE IT ENACTED by the duly elected Parliament of the Republic of Alduria assembled, -
Article 1. Citation.
Article 2. Department of Heritage, Culture, and the Arts
- This Act shall be officially cited as the Aldurian Heritage, Culture, and Arts Act.
- This Act shall apply to the entirety of the Republic of Alduria.
Article 3. National Cultural Institutions
- There shall be a Department of Heritage, Culture, and the Arts within the Aldurian Government, to be headed by a Secretary of Heritage, Culture, and the Arts, appointed in accordance with the Constitution and existing laws.
- The Secretary shall be assisted by an Undersecretary for Administration, an Undersecretary for Operations, and an Undersecretary for Protection and Preservation, which such staffing pattern as the Secretary may require and provide.
Article 4. Budget and appropriations
- There are established a National Museum, a National Heritage Museum of the Aldurian People, a Museum of Natural History, a National Gallery, a National Library, a National Archives, a National Historical Commission, as well as subnational branches thereof, all independent agencies under the Department, to be headed by a Director appointed by the Secretary and serving for a 3-year term. Each cultural institution shall have an Advisory Council of no more than fifteen individuals, all unpaid volunteers serving for a fixed 3 year term not coterminous with the Director, provided that 5 individuals shall be appointed by the President from a list of professionals and academics prominent in their field as nominated at large by written nomination of the Aldurian people, 1 individual shall be as appointed by the Speaker, Prime Minister, Secretary of Heritage, Culture, and the Arts, the Parliament via resolution, 1 individual elected from among all the employees of the cultural institution, and the rest via public expression of interest and election under such rules as the Secretary shall provide. The Secretary is chair ex officio of all Advisory Councils.
- Every publisher in Alduria shall be required to furnish the National Library 5 copies of every book or pamphlet it shall publish.
Article 5. Commencement, Severability.
- The President is authorized, by proclamation, to set aside and title such parcels of land necessary for the establishment of the offices of the Department as well as for the National Cultural Institutions. The Secretary shall determine any fees that may be imposed on the general public to access the National Cultural Institutions, with such unspent monies accruing to the respective National Cultural Institutions at the end of every fiscal year.
- One Billion Ecus are appropriated from the Development Fund of Alduria to serve as a Cultural Trust Fund in the Bank of Alduria, with interest accrued therein available to be disbursed to support the construction, sustainability, and operations of the National Cultural Institutes.
- Five Hundred Million Ecus are appropriated from the Development Fund of Alduria for the initial operations of the Department.
- A National Culture Citizens Trust Fund is opened in the Bank of Alduria, with an initial appropriation of Five Hundred Million Ecus, and which any individual, association, or organization may donate to. For the first five years from this Act, interest accrued therein shall be available to be disbursed to support the construction, sustainability, and operations of the National Cultural Institutes as the Secretary may provide, thereafter, any amount may be utilized, provided that the National Culture Citizens Trust Fund shall never be at a balance of less than Four Hundred Million Ecus at any time.
- The Secretary shall provide an annual report to the President and the Parliament on the implementation of this Act.
- This act shall not become law until it has received proper constitutional approval.
- The provisions of this act are severable. If any part of this act is declared invalid or unconstitutional, that declaration shall not affect the part which remains.
Parliament will now come to order to consider this bill, presented by the Prime Minister on behalf of the Government.
The Chair now recognizes The Prime Minister.
Maria Rejo
Liberty & Democracy Party
Speaker of Parliament
Liberty & Democracy Party
Speaker of Parliament