08-05-2019, 10:58 AM
R-003: Resolution of Censure against Mr. Yakim Beg
WHEREAS, Section IX, Rule 4 of the Standing Orders of Parliament provides that this Parliament may take disciplinary action against a Member of Parliament, including censure.
WHEREAS, Section IX, Rule 6 of the Standing Orders of Parliament provides that a resolution of censure must be approved by a majority vote of Parliament.
WHEREAS, Members of Parliament, as representatives of the people, should be held the highest standards of behavior and conduct, especially in their duties within Parliament.
WHEREAS, Mr. Yakim Beg engaged in a malicious and willful violation of the decorum of Parliament by personally attacking the Prime Minister referring to him as “the accursed infidel” and “the spawn of shaitan.”
WHEREAS, Mr. Yakim Beg in the same speech uttered racially charged remarks referring to fellow citizens of Alduria as “foreigners” and threatening “Adapt to Euran realities or perish.”
WHEREAS, by his words and conduct, Mr. Yakim Beg has brought disrepute upon himself and this Parliament.
WHEREAS, this Parliament has a duty to discipline its members for violations of decorum and the rules of order and to condemn racism in all of its forms.
Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that this Parliament:
1. CENSURES Mr. Yakim Beg for his gross misconduct on the floor of Parliament
2. CONDEMNS Yakim’s inappropriate personal attacks against the Prime Minister.
3. CONDEMNS categorically and unreservedly the racially charged remarks of Mr. Yakim Beg made on the floor of Parliament.
4. AFFIRMS that no citizen of Alduria is a “foreigner” whatever their ethnic background.
5. ASSERTS that Mr. Yakim Beg and all members of this Parliament must follow the rules of order and must treat all its Members with respect and dignity.
6. DIRECTS the Speaker of Parliament to call Mr. Yakim Beg into the well of Parliament and read this resolution of censure against him.
WHEREAS, Section IX, Rule 4 of the Standing Orders of Parliament provides that this Parliament may take disciplinary action against a Member of Parliament, including censure.
WHEREAS, Section IX, Rule 6 of the Standing Orders of Parliament provides that a resolution of censure must be approved by a majority vote of Parliament.
WHEREAS, Members of Parliament, as representatives of the people, should be held the highest standards of behavior and conduct, especially in their duties within Parliament.
WHEREAS, Mr. Yakim Beg engaged in a malicious and willful violation of the decorum of Parliament by personally attacking the Prime Minister referring to him as “the accursed infidel” and “the spawn of shaitan.”
WHEREAS, Mr. Yakim Beg in the same speech uttered racially charged remarks referring to fellow citizens of Alduria as “foreigners” and threatening “Adapt to Euran realities or perish.”
WHEREAS, by his words and conduct, Mr. Yakim Beg has brought disrepute upon himself and this Parliament.
WHEREAS, this Parliament has a duty to discipline its members for violations of decorum and the rules of order and to condemn racism in all of its forms.
Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that this Parliament:
1. CENSURES Mr. Yakim Beg for his gross misconduct on the floor of Parliament
2. CONDEMNS Yakim’s inappropriate personal attacks against the Prime Minister.
3. CONDEMNS categorically and unreservedly the racially charged remarks of Mr. Yakim Beg made on the floor of Parliament.
4. AFFIRMS that no citizen of Alduria is a “foreigner” whatever their ethnic background.
5. ASSERTS that Mr. Yakim Beg and all members of this Parliament must follow the rules of order and must treat all its Members with respect and dignity.
6. DIRECTS the Speaker of Parliament to call Mr. Yakim Beg into the well of Parliament and read this resolution of censure against him.
Alfonso Velez, MP
Liberty and Democracy Party
Leader of the Opposition
CEO of 4Hire and Velez Investments
Former Prime Minister of The Republic of Alduria (1672-1682)
Liberty and Democracy Party
Leader of the Opposition
CEO of 4Hire and Velez Investments
Former Prime Minister of The Republic of Alduria (1672-1682)