08-05-2019, 11:05 AM
An Act to prescribe matters relating to the conferment of awards and decorations on nationals of the Republic of Alduria or foreigners who have rendered distinguished services to the Republic of Alduria.
BE IT ENACTED by the duly elected Parliament of the Republic of Alduria assembled, -
ARTICLE 1. Citation.
ARTICLE 2. Principles and Standards of Decoration.
- This Act shall be cited as the Awards and Decorations of the Republic Act.
- This Act shall apply to all the Republic of Alduria.
ARTICLE 3. Classification of Orders.
- Orders and medals of the Republic of Alduria shall be conferred on nationals of the Republic of Alduria or foreign national friends that have rendered distinguished services to the Republic of Alduria.
- Standards for decoration shall be established in consideration of the merits of persons to be decorated with orders, the scope of effects of such merits on the Government and communities, the status of persons to be decorated with orders, etc.
- No order or medal shall be conferred double for one and the same merit.
- Recommendations for decoration shall be made by the head of a central administrative agency (including the heads of agencies under direct jurisdiction of the President and the Prime Minister), the Speaker of Parliament, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the Secretary General of the National Election Commission.
- Recommendations for decoration which do not belong to the jurisdiction of persons entitled to make recommendations under Section 4 shall be made by the Department of the Interior.
- Recommendations for decoration shall be made based on the examination of merits, as prescribed by Presidential Order.
- Persons to be decorated with orders shall be determined by the President upon deliberation by the Cabinet.
- If a person decorated with an order or a medal falls under any of the following, the relevant decoration shall be revoked and thus his or her order or medal and other related articles and money granted as a supplementary prize shall be recovered; and if his or her order or medal is conferred by a foreign country, he or she shall be banned from wearing it:
- Where the relevant merits are found to be false;
- Where he or she is convicted of a crime against the national security or flees to a hostile country after having committed such crime;
- Where he or she is sentenced to imprisonment with or without prison labor for life or for not less than three years for committing a crime provided in the Criminal Act.
- The revocation of decoration, the recovery of an order, medal, etc. and the ban on wearing an order or a medal conferred by a foreign country shall be subject to deliberation by the Cabinet.
- If a person decorated with an order or a medal falls under any grounds referred to in this Act as grounds for removal, the Secretary of Interior shall refer the case to the Cabinet to determine whether to revoke the decoration. In those cases, the head of the central administrative agency, etc. who recommended the decoration may request the Secretary of the Interior to refer the case for revocation of the decoration to the Cabinet.
- Where a decoration is determined or revoked pursuant to this Article, the relevant person and any ground for such determination or revocation shall be published on the Aldurian Register within 10 days from the date such decoration is determined or revoked.
The kinds of orders shall be as follows:
ARTICLE 4. The Aldurian Legion of Honor.
- The Aldurian Legion of Honor;
- The Order of National Merit;
- The Order of Punta Santiago;
- The Order of Santa Catalina;
- The Order of Military Merit;
- The Order of Service Merit;
- The Order of Diplomatic Service Merit;
- The Order of Industrial Merit;
- The Order of Cultural Merit;
- The Order of Sports Merit;
- The Order of Science and Technology Merit.
ARTICLE 5. Order of National Merit.
- The Aldurian Legion of Honor, which is the highest civil and military order of the Republic of Alduria, shall be awarded to the President of the Republic of Alduria, and may also be awarded to the spouse of the President, the head of an ally or his or her spouse, or the former head of an ally or his or her spouse who has rendered outstanding meritorious services in the interest of promoting the development and security of the Republic of Korea.
- The incumbent President of Alduria shall be the Grand Master of the Legion of Honor, with the operations and maintenance of the Legion entrusted to a Grand Chancery of the Legion of Honor.
- The Grand Master appoints all other members of the order, on the advice of the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, and the Speaker of Parliament.
- The Grand Master shall have as his or her insignia a Grand Collar of the Legion, to be worn only by the President of the Republic, as Grand Master of the Legion.
- The Grand Chancery shall be headed by the Grand Chancellor, to be appointed from among the retired high military officials of the Republic, who shall have a Secretary General to assist him in the operation and maintenance of the Legion, to be appointed from among the retired high civil service officials and administrators of the Republic.
- The Grand Chancery shall fund and operate the following bodies:
- the Legion of Honor School;
- the Legion of Honour Museum.
- The Legion of Honor School shall be a national system of schools in the primary and secondary school level to educate exceptionally gifted students of Alduria that are economically and socially disadvantaged, and for those who have a parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent that was awarded the Legion of Honor. Access shall be competitive but national, at no cost to its students or their legal guardians.
- The Legion of Honor Museum shall be in the city of Punta Santiago.
The Order of Merit, which consists of five grades, shall be awarded to a person who has rendered outstanding meritorious services in the interests of the welfare, security, happiness, prosperity, and preservation of the Republic of Alduria.
ARTICLE 6. Order of Punta Santiago.
The Order of Punta Santiago, which consists of five grades, shall be awarded to a person who has rendered outstanding meritorious services in the area of politics, economy, society, education, art or science in the interest of improving citizens' welfare and promoting national development.
ARTICLE 7. Order of Santa Catalina.
The Order of Santa Catalina, which consists of five grades, shall be awarded to Aldurian nationals that have rendered outstanding meritorious services in the interest of national security and safety, especially the preservation of the national sovereignty and independence.
ARTICLE 8. Order of Military Merit.
The Order of Military Merit, which consists of five grades, shall be awarded to a person who has rendered outstanding military services by participating in an action in time of war or in quasi-state of war or by performing his or her duty equivalent to combat, such as responding to the attack of an enemy in a contact area.
ARTICLE 9. Order of Service Merit.
ARTICLE 10. Order of Diplomatic Service Merit.
- The Order of Service Merit, which consists of five grades, shall be awarded to Aldurian nationals in the public service that have employed their passion and talents to serve the people with distinction in Government and the civil service as follows:
- a public official (excluding a serviceperson and a civilian employee; hereinafter the same shall apply);
- a private school teacher (including a teacher of a lifelong educational establishment, the educational attainment of which is recognized);
- or an employee of a government office who has rendered outstanding meritorious services by applying himself or herself to his or her duties.
ARTICLE 11. Order of Industrial Service Merit.
- The Order of Diplomatic Service Merit, which consists of five grades, shall be awarded to a person who has rendered outstanding meritorious services in the interest of enhancing national prestige and promoting amity with allies.
- Newly appointed diplomatic officials, government representatives, special missions and their suites recognized as necessary by the Government, who proceed to their posts, shall wear the Orders of Diplomatic Service Merit in diplomatic events as formal decorations to maintain their dignity.
- Standards for classification of the orders worn as formal decorations in accordance with this Article shall be prescribed by Presidential Order.
The Order of Industrial Service Merit, which consists of five grades, shall be awarded to a person who has rendered outstanding meritorious services in the interest of developing the national industries.
ARTICLE 12. Order of Cultural Merit.
The Order of Cultural Merit, which consists of five grades, shall be awarded to a person who has rendered outstanding meritorious services in the fields of culture and art in the interest of promoting the national culture and national development.
ARTICLE 13. Order of Sports Merit.
The Order of Sports Merit, which consists of five grades, shall be awarded to a person who has rendered outstanding meritorious services in the field of sports in the interest of improving national sports and promoting national development.
ARTICLE 14. Order of Science and Technology Merit.
The Order of Science and Technology Merit, which consists of five grades, shall be awarded to a person who has rendered outstanding meritorious services in the interest of developing science and technology in Alduria.
ARTICLE 15. Organization of the Orders.
ARTICLE 16. Supplementary Prizes.
- The denominations of orders by grades under Articles 4 through 14 shall be prescribed by Presidential Order.
- Further organizational details of the orders under Article 4 through 14 shall be prescribed by Presidential Order.
A supplementary prize may be awarded to a recipient of an order.
ARTICLE 17. Receipt by Survivor or Proxy.
If a person entitled to receive an order is deceased or cannot receive such order in person due to any accident, his or her survivor or proxy may receive it in place of such person.
ARTICLE 18. Commencement, Severability.
- This act shall not become law until it has received proper constitutional approval.
- The provisions of this act are severable. If any part of this act is declared invalid or unconstitutional, that declaration shall not affect the part which remains.
Parliament will now come to order to consider this bill, presented by the Prime Minister on behalf of the Government.
The Chair now recognizes The Prime Minister.
Maria Rejo
Liberty & Democracy Party
Speaker of Parliament
Liberty & Democracy Party
Speaker of Parliament