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(05-12-2019, 03:42 PM)Alduria Wrote: Questions from the press - Barak Press Conference
Newsflash reporter Marta Lopez: "Deputy Prime Minister, thank you for being with us today. What kind of environmental regulations would the New Center enact? Could you provide some specifics?"
NABC reporter Joseph Delors: "Deputy Prime Minister, thank you. The Bassarids have enacted protections for Aldurian ships and commerce. What do you think about that? What will the Aldurian government do? What would you do as Prime Minister?"
(OOC: I am happy to throw a question or two at a press conference you guys do - feel free to message me in Discord if you do one and want me to throw a couple questions. One will be a softball or a clarification on your remarks, the other will not be so soft.)
Thank you for your question, Ms. Lopez. In regard to regulations, the New Center will be enacting policies such as adding taxes to those who dispose of their waste in the rivers. The percent of the tax will be up for debate among our party. I also will enact bills that will protect strips of rivers near parks and other scenic areas.
I also thank you for your question as well, Mr. Delors. I am very pleased with the Bassarids in regard to this policy. The party, although accepting of this policy, will still keep a watchful eye on Bassarid actions in and around our waters. I have heard of the concerns with the Bassarid statement, but I wish to let the public know that there should be no worry with this. If they wish to distance themselves from the state, than that is what they will do. If they wish to challenge the state, challenge they will receive back.
I, myself, will echo these statements in my policies. A "balanced neutrality" I will call it. If they don't bother us, we won't bother them. If they bother us, like I said before, they will see what shall happen. I wish to see relations with the Bassarids kept in relatively decent shape.
Thank you all for your questions. More conferences will follow soon.
Tzvi Barak
(Former) Leader of the New Center Party
Lord of Rakija
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National Poll - Turn One
- The Nat-Lib Alliance will be an NPC moving forward. It won't campaign or anything, but there may be events that happen in the election that include them. This means center-right voters are up for grabs.
- The National Congress for Social Democracy is the center-left party, once it puts out a platform and initial events, it will rise in the polls - otherwise, center-left voters will be up for grabs too.
- Does someone want to play the Communists? Otherwise, they'll be an NPC, along the same limes of the Nat-Libs.
Some notes and ideas for the campaign: - Small amount of support for independents make this a very tight race between the organized parties.
- With center-right and center-left voters up for grabs until their parties wake up, there's a chance here for the active and competing parties to gain support.
- These polls can vary wildly and are known to be somewhat unstable (consider it the electoral "fog of war"). Consider this a reliable starting point, but future polls may reflect crazy swings that may not exactly materialize on election day unless you do the work to secure gains.
- Idea: get out the vote operations are crucial. Maybe you can provide information about what kind of get out the vote operations your party and campaign is doing. Canvassing? Rallies? Mailers? Ads? What is the organization of your campaign like? Are the party list parliamentary candidates doing events in their home districts? What topics would be covered in these events?
- Consider: That it is very likely that no one will secure a majority. Think about what kinds of coalitions and partnerships you will want to make and with who. This could potentially shape your campaign message.
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Seven months ago, Patrucio Viancolli had a vision: to provide his family's unique blend of olive oil to the tables of families throughout Alduria and beyond. He started with his family's investment of 25,000 ecus and turned that investment into a business on tack to make a projected of 500,000 ecus in revenue for his first year. Using that revenue, he's been able to open this lovely factory we're in today and now employs over 50 full time employees and 25 part-time and seasonal staff. Viancolli's story is one of countless success stories throughout Alduria that have resulted in economic stimulus for this great nation, their provinces, and their localities--and also employment and a reliable source of income for so many of their neighbors.
As this country begins to develop in these challenging economic times, entrepreneurs like Viancolli ought to be supported and encouraged by our nation's government. Sadly, many small business owners and entrepreneurs quickly discover that Punta Santiago's bureaucrats are creating policies that hurt their businesses. Instead of finding encouragement and support, many business owners find curt notices of minor regulatory violations that they didn't even know existed. They find themselves hit by fines and penalties. They quickly discover that the cost of compliance with a draconian bureaucracy eats up a considerable percentage of their revenues at the very time when they need to re-invest those revenues into their businesses to promote growth and to allow for the opportunity to employ more workers.
The Liberty & Democracy party will fight hard for entrepreneurs like Viancolli. As an entrepreneur and business owner myself, I know all too well the challenges that we face. We must have a Government that recognizes that small business owners and entrepreneurs aren't the enemy--but rather that they are the ally of ensuring a robust economy that provides for the well being of all the citizens of our great nation. Government House needs a resident in it that will hold unelected bureaucrats to account and ensure that unnecessary regulations that hurt small businesses and their growth are done away with.
Viancolli recounted to me a frustrating exchange with the Department of Finance & Commerce where he was being forced to install a 10,000 ecu machine in his factory which served no purpose for manufacturing olive oil. Viancolli asked a simple question: "Why?" After being told that was the regulation and he must comply with it in order to have his license to manufacture foodstuffs for humans revoked Viancolli again repeated "Why?" Viancolli was understandably frustrated when he never got an answer to his question about why this machine was needed in his factory.
Reasonable regulations to protect the people of Alduria and our environment must of course be in place. However, we must create a culture within Government House where we ask "Why?" to every regulation. Many regulations make sense and are important. Many others are redundant or obsolete and serve no purpose but to stifle small businesses and take much needed revenues away from hard working entrepreneurs and business owners. The Liberty & Democracy party will do its part and ask "Why?" to the bureaucrats in Punta Santiago to ensure the right balance is struck between protecting consumers and protecting businesses.
When it comes time to cast your vote at the polls, I hope you'll cast your vote for the Liberty & Democracy party candidate. No other party will fight as hard as us to press the "Why?" questions and provide tax relief and regulatory support to hard working businesses like yours to ensure that you all can continue to hire more Aludrians and create a vibrant economy for your future, your children's future, and your grandchildren's future. Thank you!
National Campaign Strategy
Virtually all Liberty & Democracy candidates are making regular appearances throughout their home districts, except for those in exceptionally safe seats which are providing support in neighboring districts that are more marginal in polls. Velez has emphasized the importance of public speeches and rallies with the eye to attracting press attention (and free advertising!) Candidates in particularly marginal districts have also been encouraged to focus on door to door canvassing. Local party organizations have also worked hard to manage transportation options to help get potential voters to the polls on voting day and Velez has personally directed all ride sharing companies owned by Velez Investments to provide free rides to the polls on election day.
The L&D party has spent a considerable amount of its ad budget on online ads, particularly on social media. Velez feels that the party is particularly attractive to a young demographic and wants to mobilize these voters to the polls. Candidates who are in highly competitive districts have also been given money from the national party for more traditional advertising, primarily mailers, billboards, and radio ads at peak commuting hours. While the party has invested some in TV ads, the bulk of their ad budget has been spent into other areas. Considering the expense of TV ads, the national party has largely decided to hold a portion of ad funding "in reserve" and may buy TV ad time closer to the date of the election in very competitive districts.
At Velez's personal direction, candidates have been encouraged to tailor their messages in their districts to appeal to center-right and center-left voters who may be disillusioned with their current choices. Candidates in right leaning districts have tried to woo center-right voters talking about the party's commitment to fiscal responsibility, building up our naval forces, providing regulatory relief and tax breaks for small businesses and families, and an "Alduria First" approach to foreign policy. Candidates in left leaning districts have tried to woo center-left voters talking about the party's commitment to the separation of Church and State, building up Alduria's infrastructure, protection of privacy rights and civil liberties, LGBTQ+ rights, and its commitment to an open immigration policy. Candidates in competitive districts where the polling is close between the L&D candidate and the mainstream center left/right candidate have received greater ad money and have been encouraged to invest more heavily in mailers emphasizing their respective priorities and to focus on these issues in public appearances.
Nominally, the national campaign is run by the Party Chairman, however Velez has taken an extremely "hands on" approach to this campaign. This is in large part due to his personal popularity and personal investments in the L&D national party. Many will be watching the performance of the L&D on election day as an indication of how well Velez is likely to manage the party as Leader and will probably serve as a good indication on how loyal the party will be to him in the future.
Alfonso Velez, MP
Liberty and Democracy Party
Leader of the Opposition
CEO of 4Hire and Velez Investments
Former Prime Minister of The Republic of Alduria (1672-1682)
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Tzvi Barak
(Former) Leader of the New Center Party
Lord of Rakija
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New Center Party ↑
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05-14-2019, 08:11 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-14-2019, 08:16 AM by Yakim Beg.)
Election Address by Parliamentary Candidate Fabiana Melendez, Chartered Land Surveyor by profession, she worked for several years with the Iteran Temple Bureau until 1667. Since release from Raspurid internment she has been Co-Director of the Partnership for Prayer and Peace in Punta Santiago and a trusted confidante of His Sublimity the Agha Beg.
Quote:If in a position to influence the formation of Government, my promise to you is that the Euran Destiny Party will:
- Combat piracy through the implementation of a convoy system. Our government and the major parties cannot be so naive as to trust the assurances of a Federation predicated upon aggression, territorial expansion, naked rapacity, perversions of body and spirit, and human sacrifice. The assurances received from the Bassarid entity amount to a little more than a vague promise that we will not be attacked at the present moment because they are busy elsewhere. How can the Bassaird claim to have no control over their Bassaird financed and Bassarid equipped pirate fleets yet still claim to be able to restrain them by the issuance of an edict? Either the Bassarid control their pirate fleets, in which case they are waging a war against the commerce of all free nations - something we cannot remain neutral to, or the Bassarid has no control - in which case the assurances are worthless. We cannot afford the luxury of misplaced faith in the enemies of the Highest Divinity.
- Arm all merchant vessels. It is laughably pathetic that our government proposes to encourage our commercial ships to carry "non-lethal defensive systems", whatever those may be, when the Bassarid and the USSO are merrily selling patrol boats, corvettes, drones, and assault rifles to these pirates. As a nation on a tough continent, in a unforgiving world, we need to man up and grow a pair. The answer to guns is more guns, better guns. It is only from a position of strength that we can educate the heedless and godless on the superior merits of peace and love. Every Aldurian vessel entering international waters should be armed to the minimum standard achieved by our Constancian friends to the south.
- Support and fund the creation of a balanced navy of fast attack craft, patrol boats, and missile corvettes, supported by land based helicopter and long-range patrol aircraft.
- Levy tariffs on imports from countries without free trade agreements with us. Unless and until the hand of friendship is openly and sincerely extended we cannot be caught in the position of allowing any old boat from any ten-penny country into our harbours without a proper assessment and valuation of their cargo. If foreigners attack our ships, foreigners will pay for their protection.
- Establish a permanent cadre to reduce social tension and increase harmony, both in the coastal regions and in the interior, through Coordinated Humanistic programmes of thought-leadership through consciousness elevation, inner peace exploration, and contemplation of the oneness of all things.
- Re-orient our medical system from a focus on servicing sickness to one of creating health by introducing simple, cost-effective holistic health-care programmes.
- Introduce forms of architecture and town planning based around Coordinated Harmonious Principles in order to create buildings and towns which naturally promote health, happiness, acceptance, and prosperity.
- Implement Enlightened Education programmes to create stress-free education where teaching and learning are a joy and creativity and intelligence blossom.
- Create corporate re-vitalisation programmes which will reduce stress and burn-out and consequent loss of valuable intellectual capital, increase creativity and productivity and improve industrial relations.
- Promote the settlement and development of the interior, introducing environmentally sensitive and sustainable methods of agriculture and land reclamation.
- Convene a council of experts to investigate the most viable method of cleansing the mighty River Nouradin of the terrible curse of pollution by radioactive isotopes and heavy metals, imposed upon it by the human folly of preceding generations.
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Velez Rally at the Docks of Susa
Behind Velez, several cargo ships are in the process of having their cargo loaded and unloaded. The microphone system is set up so, as best as they are able, Velez can be clearly heard by the audience while still allowing for the "ambient sounds" of the port to be heard in the background.
Behind me stands the gateway to Micras. Yes--here in Susa, Alkhiva, and Punta Santiago we have a gateway to the world. That gateway is the trade that all of the nations of Micras rely on for our lifeblood. Whether it's exporting our goods to other countries and stimulating our economy here at home or importing goods that we need to build Alduria into an even greater nation, this lifeline is an important link to global trade. It's also a bond that connects cultures and forges friendships that stand the test of time.
We Aldurians are not alone in the world. We shouldn't shy away from this truth, rather, we must embrace our neighbors by forging strong trade links to ensure that our economy continues to grow and our friendships grow stronger with other nations. Walking through this port you can find a parade of flags from all corners of the world coming here to do business with our great nation.
The Liberty & Democracy party believes that we must always place the needs of Aludria first! Aludria First doesn't mean closing our doors. To the contrary, Alduria first means that we open the doors to free and fair trade with our neighbors--but that at all times we focus our international policy on Aludria. Many of the other parties believe that we should take sides and involve ourselves in international disputes and conflicts. The Liberty & Democracy party rejects this view. In all things, we must put Alduria first. Whether it's trade or diplomacy, our focus must be here at home.
What does that mean? That means staying out of pointless foreign conflicts. That means promoting a diplomatic policy that ensures that these ships behind me continue to visit, visit more frequently, buy more of our goods, and provide us with the goods that we need at a fair price. It means forging friendships of trade rather than arms so that the benefit of our good relationship results in more money rather than more conflict with other nations. It means that we make sure that we are never placed in a situation where we are sending our brave men and women in the armed forces off to fight and risk their lives someone else's war for someone else's conflict. It means that in all that we do we put you, the Aludrian citizen, first.
Only the Liberty & Democracy party stands for this principle, and that's why it's important to go to the ballot box and mark your vote for the L&D candidate. The future of our great country depends on electing L&D candidates who support a foreign policy that promotes free and fair trade to help our economy and our citizens while steering clear of pointless international conflicts and wars.
Alfonso Velez, MP
Liberty and Democracy Party
Leader of the Opposition
CEO of 4Hire and Velez Investments
Former Prime Minister of The Republic of Alduria (1672-1682)
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Euran Destiny Party ⇧
Liberty and Democracy Party ⇧
FYI - I am available for feedback via PM here or in Discord.
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This poll takes into account the first couple days of the campaign since the last poll.
The only parties active and campaigning are the New Center, the Euran Destiny Party, and the Freedom and Democracy Party.
The Nat-Lib Alliance has collapsed electorally. Most of its voters are going to either the New Center (a familiar coalition partner) and the Liberty and Democracy Party (an exciting, new political force with promise).
The Euran Destiny Party has also gained some momentum from this collapse as well, but be hitting a ceiling if it does not appeal beyond the Babhki and Eurani peoples of Alduria.
There are more people now voting for independents - 4%. This could be from the collapse of the Nat-Libs, but it could also be from the other parties being inactive and losing votes to independent candidates rising to fill local political voids.
This is just the beginning... get ready for the ride.
Everyone is doing well, great reads. I can tell it will be tough to "grade" this election. Carry on!
(Those polled could choose multiple answers in the above poll.)
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Good day friends and supporters,
Alduria is a nation build on international trade. We trade with multiple nations, and it is key to keep a good relation with them. We should never see them as a burden, as they are the reason why are nation has grown so much. But it is very important that we should keep a balanced relationship with ALL nations. Who are we if every nation is against us? While there is no doubt that a number enemies will arise, we should keep that number to a bare minimum.
Tensions across our world have come to a rise as of late. An uncountable amount of conflicts have arose across the world. From the shores of Eastern Shireroth to the Easternmost Reaches of the Britannic Isles, conflict is everywhere. Alduria, as a growing nation, has no time to partake in such foreign killing activities! We must focus our armies on the defense of Alduria! What good is it to fight abroad if we cannot defend our homeland?
Another point I must address, is the struggle between the USSO and Raspur Pact. While a number of our trading partners do take part in these organizations, me and party to not seek, or make, conflict with either organizations. Alduria should be held as a middle ground, a point were tension between the two should not happen. I should also point out, that joining these alliances for military benefit, should be avoided. At the New Center Party, we believe that being dragged into pointless foreign conflicts is not beneficial for our development. But, it should be known that trade with these alliances could stay open, unless conflict begins with these 2 alliances over Aldurian trade, which hopefully should never arise.
Thank you all for coming here today, if you wish to see the best for our developing nation, vote for New Center Party!
Tzvi Barak
(Former) Leader of the New Center Party
Lord of Rakija