08-13-2019, 10:01 AM
A freshman L&D MP who is a member of the "purist" faction of the L&D party rises to give a speech:
The Speech of Mr. Pilar Kelso:
Madam Speaker,
Everyone in this chamber knows or should know the hard work that the Prime Minister has put into addressing the recent crisis in Corrada del Rio. I'm sure the whole house will join me in supporting the efforts of both the Prime Minister and the President to address this situation. While I appreciate the words that the Prime Minister has said here today and can also appreciate the difficult position he is in, I and many members of my party are also in the difficult position of having to oppose this bill. I thank the Prime Minister in advance for his commitment to not whip this bill as a level 3 whip and his commitment to allow Cabinet members to vote their conscience in Parliament. This is an important concession to allow us to vote based on our conscience and beliefs.
Madam Speaker, I regret I must oppose this bill. The Prime Minister and I have a difference in opinion on this issue. Taxation is theft, Madam Speaker. While many in my own party may not accept that reality, I and those of us in the L&D party who embrace true Libertarianism do hold fast to this tenant. I can not, in good conscience therefore, vote for any taxation--even if it is requested "for the good of the Republic" as the Prime Minister says. Theft is theft, period, and therefore taxation must not be tolerated. We must live within our means--even when it is most painful for us to do so. The Prime Minister ought to find the money somewhere else, rather than force contributions from hard working citizens of this Republic. Therefore, I ask Parliament to reject this bill.
The Speech of Mr. Pilar Kelso:
Madam Speaker,
Everyone in this chamber knows or should know the hard work that the Prime Minister has put into addressing the recent crisis in Corrada del Rio. I'm sure the whole house will join me in supporting the efforts of both the Prime Minister and the President to address this situation. While I appreciate the words that the Prime Minister has said here today and can also appreciate the difficult position he is in, I and many members of my party are also in the difficult position of having to oppose this bill. I thank the Prime Minister in advance for his commitment to not whip this bill as a level 3 whip and his commitment to allow Cabinet members to vote their conscience in Parliament. This is an important concession to allow us to vote based on our conscience and beliefs.
Madam Speaker, I regret I must oppose this bill. The Prime Minister and I have a difference in opinion on this issue. Taxation is theft, Madam Speaker. While many in my own party may not accept that reality, I and those of us in the L&D party who embrace true Libertarianism do hold fast to this tenant. I can not, in good conscience therefore, vote for any taxation--even if it is requested "for the good of the Republic" as the Prime Minister says. Theft is theft, period, and therefore taxation must not be tolerated. We must live within our means--even when it is most painful for us to do so. The Prime Minister ought to find the money somewhere else, rather than force contributions from hard working citizens of this Republic. Therefore, I ask Parliament to reject this bill.
Alfonso Velez, MP
Liberty and Democracy Party
Leader of the Opposition
CEO of 4Hire and Velez Investments
Former Prime Minister of The Republic of Alduria (1672-1682)
Liberty and Democracy Party
Leader of the Opposition
CEO of 4Hire and Velez Investments
Former Prime Minister of The Republic of Alduria (1672-1682)