11-07-2019, 12:18 AM
Protecting Alduria's Borders, Growing Our Frontiers
Corrada del Rio, Mondego Speech by Atanasio Paredes
(Aldurian National Alliance)
Day 2
Corrada del Rio, Mondego Speech by Atanasio Paredes
(Aldurian National Alliance)
Day 2
![[Image: 7bc02837-f264-4220-ace1-b40eb9ccdb88.jpg]](https://cdn.presstv.com/photo/20190322/7bc02837-f264-4220-ace1-b40eb9ccdb88.jpg)
Atanasio Paredes, parliamentary leader of the Aldurian National Alliance, traveled to his home city of Corrada del Rio, in Mondego, to give a speech on his plans for military leadership. The site is significant, as it was near the site of a West Baatharzi terrorist attack against Aldurian troops and civilians. Paredes drew a large crowd, being in his home state, and the speech was offered to be broadcast by local media and carried over social media live-streaming platforms.
Good evening, Corrada del Rio. It is a pleasure to be here in the city I am proud to call my home. It is always nice to be surrounded by close friends, family, and supporters who I've known for many a year. And, of course, it is an honor to be here with so many servicemen who put their lives on the line for us on a daily basis.
Tonight, I would like to talk with you all about the ongoing crisis on our border facing our nation and what my party, the Aldurian National Alliance, will do to put a definitive end to international threats and the specter of terror. This is undeniably the most important issue facing Aldurian leaders, and it is why I am here today: to make a big, bold stand for the security of the Aldurian people.
Any elected official must consider the preservation of the Aldurian state and the protection of the Aldurian people as his or her first obligation. And what happened here under the current government's watch has made something quite clear: the libertarians don't take security seriously! While the rich and their political puppets can hide away in their private bomb-shelters, flee to other countries on their private yachts, what can we regular Aldurians do but hope and pray for a safer future.
Well, my friends, now the time has come that we can take preemptive action by voting for a party - the only party - that will keep Alduria safe and put Alduria first: and of course, that party is the National Alliance! Our opponents might be willing to cede ground to the enemy, treat them with kids-gloves and so-called human rights. But we aren't fighting humans, we are fighting dangerous monsters that, given the opportunity, would kill every man, woman, and child who lives in our great nation.
Why should we grant these cowardly terrorists any reprieve? Why should we hide behind so-called human rights when lives are on the line? This has been the great dereliction of duty that the current libertarian government has presided over. If they were held accountable for the lives that were lost by court martial, I can tell you this: Alfonso Velez would be stripped of his rank and title, he would be flogged, and yes - his cowardly desertion of our people would probably call for capital punishment!
They have let our people down - and this is the greatest tragedy of the past few years. Now, Velez' LDP will come here and tout their funding of the military. But do you know what funds the military and security sectors? Taxes, the very same thing that the LDP is promising to cut in their election manifesto. They can't have it both ways: either you cut taxes and eliminate the military's readiness, or you ask the wealthy like Alfonso Velez to pay a bit more to protect people like you and me! Little wonder Alfonso would want to cut tax: he stands to profit while the Aldurian people stand to lose their lives.
But you know what? Security doesn't stop with our military. It takes the construction of a serious surveillance apparatus to spy on our enemies, to infiltrate their networks, and to take out their leaders. Where does LDP stand? "Civil liberties," they cry out. Well, my friends, what good are civil liberties to the dead? What kind of life do you lead when you're afraid of the next bombing raid, unable to sleep in case the alarms go off around your town?
Protection doesn't stop with the security state, either. No, we also need to get a firm control over who is entering Alduria and what their motivations are. While the morally-bankrupt LDP and the far-left DFL both promise open immigration - anyone can come, regardless of their intentions - we in the Aldurian National Alliance believe that the nation has a right to turn terrorists, slouches, and other undesirables who would harm our culture and our civilization away from our shore. This isn't radical - this is what any and all sane nations do!
Defense doesn't end with a sound immigration policy, though. We need to seriously re-evaluate the level of infrastructure and investment that we put into frontier communities. This is another issue area where the LDP and DFL are in lock-step: they both promise private development of the frontiers. I disagree, because we all know that our national pride, our national identity, and our national security is being held by these settlements. We must give the settlers the tools they need to keep themselves safe, because when they are safe, Alduria is safe.
Friends, you will hear a lot of platitudes from other politicians. They'll accuse me of fear-mongering and they'll allege use of scare tactics. But the truth we face today is a scary one, especially if we allow the same soft leadership to persist at the top, and make no mistake: the cowardly Alfonso Velez is at the top of this inept government. The Aldurian National Alliance can change that, but we need your support, your contributions, and most importantly, we need your vote.
Let Alduria flourish! Let's put Alduria first! And may Alduria stand forever! Thank you!
Good evening, Corrada del Rio. It is a pleasure to be here in the city I am proud to call my home. It is always nice to be surrounded by close friends, family, and supporters who I've known for many a year. And, of course, it is an honor to be here with so many servicemen who put their lives on the line for us on a daily basis.
Tonight, I would like to talk with you all about the ongoing crisis on our border facing our nation and what my party, the Aldurian National Alliance, will do to put a definitive end to international threats and the specter of terror. This is undeniably the most important issue facing Aldurian leaders, and it is why I am here today: to make a big, bold stand for the security of the Aldurian people.
Any elected official must consider the preservation of the Aldurian state and the protection of the Aldurian people as his or her first obligation. And what happened here under the current government's watch has made something quite clear: the libertarians don't take security seriously! While the rich and their political puppets can hide away in their private bomb-shelters, flee to other countries on their private yachts, what can we regular Aldurians do but hope and pray for a safer future.
Well, my friends, now the time has come that we can take preemptive action by voting for a party - the only party - that will keep Alduria safe and put Alduria first: and of course, that party is the National Alliance! Our opponents might be willing to cede ground to the enemy, treat them with kids-gloves and so-called human rights. But we aren't fighting humans, we are fighting dangerous monsters that, given the opportunity, would kill every man, woman, and child who lives in our great nation.
Why should we grant these cowardly terrorists any reprieve? Why should we hide behind so-called human rights when lives are on the line? This has been the great dereliction of duty that the current libertarian government has presided over. If they were held accountable for the lives that were lost by court martial, I can tell you this: Alfonso Velez would be stripped of his rank and title, he would be flogged, and yes - his cowardly desertion of our people would probably call for capital punishment!
They have let our people down - and this is the greatest tragedy of the past few years. Now, Velez' LDP will come here and tout their funding of the military. But do you know what funds the military and security sectors? Taxes, the very same thing that the LDP is promising to cut in their election manifesto. They can't have it both ways: either you cut taxes and eliminate the military's readiness, or you ask the wealthy like Alfonso Velez to pay a bit more to protect people like you and me! Little wonder Alfonso would want to cut tax: he stands to profit while the Aldurian people stand to lose their lives.
But you know what? Security doesn't stop with our military. It takes the construction of a serious surveillance apparatus to spy on our enemies, to infiltrate their networks, and to take out their leaders. Where does LDP stand? "Civil liberties," they cry out. Well, my friends, what good are civil liberties to the dead? What kind of life do you lead when you're afraid of the next bombing raid, unable to sleep in case the alarms go off around your town?
Protection doesn't stop with the security state, either. No, we also need to get a firm control over who is entering Alduria and what their motivations are. While the morally-bankrupt LDP and the far-left DFL both promise open immigration - anyone can come, regardless of their intentions - we in the Aldurian National Alliance believe that the nation has a right to turn terrorists, slouches, and other undesirables who would harm our culture and our civilization away from our shore. This isn't radical - this is what any and all sane nations do!
Defense doesn't end with a sound immigration policy, though. We need to seriously re-evaluate the level of infrastructure and investment that we put into frontier communities. This is another issue area where the LDP and DFL are in lock-step: they both promise private development of the frontiers. I disagree, because we all know that our national pride, our national identity, and our national security is being held by these settlements. We must give the settlers the tools they need to keep themselves safe, because when they are safe, Alduria is safe.
Friends, you will hear a lot of platitudes from other politicians. They'll accuse me of fear-mongering and they'll allege use of scare tactics. But the truth we face today is a scary one, especially if we allow the same soft leadership to persist at the top, and make no mistake: the cowardly Alfonso Velez is at the top of this inept government. The Aldurian National Alliance can change that, but we need your support, your contributions, and most importantly, we need your vote.
Let Alduria flourish! Let's put Alduria first! And may Alduria stand forever! Thank you!