11-14-2019, 09:15 AM
Quote:As President, what would your foreign policy look like? Would you maintain Aldurian neutrality, or align Alduria with the USSO or the Raspur Pact?
The Constitution is clear: "The Republic of Alduria shall promote justice and universal protection of individual rights." This is stated in Article 11. Article 12 likewise provides: "The Republic of Alduria shall promote public health care; public education and schooling; schemes for social welfare; the preservation and development of culture; the preservation and maintenance of historical objects; environmental protection, intergenerational equity, and the protection of nature for its intrinsic value including the protection of nature's right; and the development, research, and expansion of knowledge in all sciences, including the natural and social sciences."
The Republic of Alduria under a Seydlitz presidency shall pursue a sovereign and independent foreign policy, and work with partners who are aligned with the aims of Aldurian foreign policy.
Quote:What sets you apart from your opponent? Why do you think you would be a better President?
I have worked in government. I have accomplished much in government. I have proven myself a man of my word in government.
I have led reform in government, all without losing touch with the ordinary people of Alduria. All this, I believe, are qualities that Aldurians are looking for in their next President.
Quote:Do you want to end the Law of Graces and restrict immigration to Alduria? (Regardless of answer) Why?
The Aldurian Constitution is our fundamental document. The command to Aldurians is clear:
We proclaim and establish the Republic of Alduria, free and sovereign, as a home for the Aldurian people, and for the stateless of Micras that seek a new home, especially Our Alexandrian, Caputian, and Wechu brothers and sisters -
Alduria is a beacon to which the rest of the world looks up to, and I will, as the constitution commands, continue to uphold, protect, and defend that legacy.