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Marco Zimmer First Speech as Leader
*Walks up to Podium and waves* *Smiles and organises sheets of paper*

Hello Comrades,

Today I’m happy to be the new leader of our great party, and continue on the road to making this nation work for all.

In the last election we became the second largest party in the house, and now we must continue. We will continue to fight for you, the people of this country. We will continue to fight for workers rights, we will continue to fight for social justice, for a health service that is free at the point of use and to bring peace and stability.

We will ensure to protect your health by clearing waste sites, making sure water is uncontaminated and by promoting peace over war. We will also promote cleaner forms of energy.

Our government would also continue to grow the economy and increase tax on the highest earners. For large businesses we will make them pay a higher corporation tax while inflicting no corporation tax on small enterprise but tax breaks could be given to business who pay their workers a high level wage.

Although compromises will be made along the way, what we choose is in the best interests of the nation. So now we continue to fight for hope and prosperity and to build a nation that works for all.

Since our formation, immigration has help us grow and prosper but the Aldurian National Alliance now wants to stop many skilled workers from entering our nation. They want to end one of our nation’s core values and stop the very thing that makes us thrive. We will keep open borders for all to help us prosper.

Simply, we are the only party that can keep us on the right track and build a brighter future.

Thank You

*Walks away and waves*
Marco Zimmer MP
MP for Valenciana (1678-)
Leader of the DSP (1678-)
Prime Minister of Alduria (1682-)
Former Deputy Prime Minister (1678-1682)

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Marco Zimmer First Speech as Leader - by Marco Zimmer - 11-25-2019, 09:41 PM

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