06-01-2019, 04:10 PM
OOC NOTE: Parties are welcome to nominate one of their actual players to serve as the Speaker. Parties can also nominate an NPC character created by them to serve as Speaker, but have it be controlled by the player that created that NPC. We could also opt for an admin-controlled Speaker, but I am usually bad at keeping things going regularly as a presiding officer. I would prefer if another active player took over the role instead so it's not all dependent on me.
All of this will also depend on what the Rules of Order establish. In the Rules of Order you will have the chance to create a role for the Speaker - do you want him or her to be an impartial high officer? Or a more partisan one in the style of the US House of Representatives? That will all be determined by the Rules of Order Parliament eventually adopts.
Some other notes about the Speaker, from the Constitution:
All of this will also depend on what the Rules of Order establish. In the Rules of Order you will have the chance to create a role for the Speaker - do you want him or her to be an impartial high officer? Or a more partisan one in the style of the US House of Representatives? That will all be determined by the Rules of Order Parliament eventually adopts.
Some other notes about the Speaker, from the Constitution:
- From Article 16: "If, for whatever reason, the Presidency of the Republic falls vacant, or if the incapacity of the President has been certified, at the request of the Government and by an absolute majority of its members, the functions of the President are performed temporarily by the Speaker of the Parliament."
- From Article 21: "The President of the Republic may pronounce the dissolution of the Parliament, after consulting the Prime Minister and the Speaker of Parliament. A general election takes place not less than twenty and not more than forty days after the dissolution. No new dissolution may take place during the year following these elections."
- From Article 25: "When there exists a serious and immediate threat to the institutions of the Republic, the independence of the Nation, the integrity of its territory, or the fulfillment of its international obligations, and the regular functioning of the constitutional public authorities has been interrupted, the President of the Republic takes the measures required by the circumstances, after consulting officially the Prime Minister and the Speaker of Parliament."
- From Article 39: "The Speaker of Parliament is elected for the life of each Parliament. It shall be the duty of each Parliament to elect a Speaker as its first order of business."
- From Article 52: "If the Supreme Court, consulted by the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister or the Speaker of the Parliament, has declared that an international obligation includes a clause contrary to the Constitution, authorization to ratify or approve it may be accorded only after revision of the Constitution."