04-02-2020, 12:56 PM
Speech in West Baatharz
Hello, thank you for having me here today.
I’m here to talk about that the Democratic Socialist Party can offer you. Here at our party, we care about every person. We care about the small business owner, we care about the nurse, we care about the factory worker, we care about everyone. And we want to improve life for EVERYONE in Alduria. And we have a plan to do it.
Firstly, it is no secret that one of our policies is introducing a free, nationalised Health Care system. We don’t think anyone should have to pay for health care, it should be a right. We want to make a Health Service that is free at the point of use for everyone who needs it. That is just one step to a more just, more fair, Alduria. Another thing we would do is protect our oil from the hands of private companies. We could not allow privatisation of such a vital thing as our oil. We must protect it to make sure all profits go to the government for spending to improve the livelihoods of everyone and create a fairer Alduria.
Another thing we will do in government is reform our education system. Our education system needs sorting out and that is what we will do. Of course we will make sure that local authorities are in control after we have laid down the foundations. We must have a strong National Education system and that is what we will deliver. Every child needs the best start in life and the best education and this is what we will deliver.
So get out and campaign, tell your friends, your family, your neighbour about what we can offer. Make sure everyone in your road, the road after and the road after that knows what we will bring to Alduria. Let’s further our movement and win this election and get to work on building an Alduria that works for everyone! Thank you very much.
Hello, thank you for having me here today.
I’m here to talk about that the Democratic Socialist Party can offer you. Here at our party, we care about every person. We care about the small business owner, we care about the nurse, we care about the factory worker, we care about everyone. And we want to improve life for EVERYONE in Alduria. And we have a plan to do it.
Firstly, it is no secret that one of our policies is introducing a free, nationalised Health Care system. We don’t think anyone should have to pay for health care, it should be a right. We want to make a Health Service that is free at the point of use for everyone who needs it. That is just one step to a more just, more fair, Alduria. Another thing we would do is protect our oil from the hands of private companies. We could not allow privatisation of such a vital thing as our oil. We must protect it to make sure all profits go to the government for spending to improve the livelihoods of everyone and create a fairer Alduria.
Another thing we will do in government is reform our education system. Our education system needs sorting out and that is what we will do. Of course we will make sure that local authorities are in control after we have laid down the foundations. We must have a strong National Education system and that is what we will deliver. Every child needs the best start in life and the best education and this is what we will deliver.
So get out and campaign, tell your friends, your family, your neighbour about what we can offer. Make sure everyone in your road, the road after and the road after that knows what we will bring to Alduria. Let’s further our movement and win this election and get to work on building an Alduria that works for everyone! Thank you very much.
Marco Zimmer MP
MP for Valenciana (1678-)
Leader of the DSP (1678-)
Prime Minister of Alduria (1682-)
Former Deputy Prime Minister (1678-1682)
MP for Valenciana (1678-)
Leader of the DSP (1678-)
Prime Minister of Alduria (1682-)
Former Deputy Prime Minister (1678-1682)