04-06-2020, 11:52 AM
*Enters Stage*
Hello, thank you for having me here today in the wonderful city of Gramercy, Biscarrose. I’m here today to talk about what we at the DSP can offer to you if we win the next election. The DSP’s main objective is to end inequality and poverty and create a fairer Alduria. That is what we have always wanted to do as a party, and that is why I came into politics, to make life better for everyone and provide a voice for the voiceless.
And in this election, it your turn to choose what vision you want for Alduria. And I urge you to support my vision for our country. We have a plan, in our manifesto, to deliver change to everyone in our country. But we can only exercise our plan in government. So what you need to do, I vote DSP and make sure all your friends, family and community are to. Our movement belongs to its grassroots. Our movement belongs to you.
But what is your plan? I hear you ask. Well, to build a better Alduria, what we will do is firstly: make health care free for all. We will nationalise the health care industry! And we will make it free for everyone. We believe that health care is a right, and the highest quality healthcare shouldn’t be restricted for only those who can afford it. Don’t you agree? In a fair society, health care would be free at the point of use for anyone who needs it! That is what we will do.
But our investment also has been only really centred around Punta Santiago and the Aldurian Capital district. All the wealth accumulates and the left of the country is left behind. We will stop this. We will invest across Alduria! We will make sure industry across Alduria thrives and that everyone is involved in our economy so that we can grow. And when we do this, investment in our economy will lead to higher returns which can go into industry, health care, military and education. That is what we will do for you! We will make sure that we all get our due rewards for our efforts and that no part of Alduria is left behind.
So on Election Day, vote for hope. Vote for prosperity, vote for change. Vote for your children, vote for the future, vote for the Democratic Socialist Party! Thank you very much.
Hello, thank you for having me here today in the wonderful city of Gramercy, Biscarrose. I’m here today to talk about what we at the DSP can offer to you if we win the next election. The DSP’s main objective is to end inequality and poverty and create a fairer Alduria. That is what we have always wanted to do as a party, and that is why I came into politics, to make life better for everyone and provide a voice for the voiceless.
And in this election, it your turn to choose what vision you want for Alduria. And I urge you to support my vision for our country. We have a plan, in our manifesto, to deliver change to everyone in our country. But we can only exercise our plan in government. So what you need to do, I vote DSP and make sure all your friends, family and community are to. Our movement belongs to its grassroots. Our movement belongs to you.
But what is your plan? I hear you ask. Well, to build a better Alduria, what we will do is firstly: make health care free for all. We will nationalise the health care industry! And we will make it free for everyone. We believe that health care is a right, and the highest quality healthcare shouldn’t be restricted for only those who can afford it. Don’t you agree? In a fair society, health care would be free at the point of use for anyone who needs it! That is what we will do.
But our investment also has been only really centred around Punta Santiago and the Aldurian Capital district. All the wealth accumulates and the left of the country is left behind. We will stop this. We will invest across Alduria! We will make sure industry across Alduria thrives and that everyone is involved in our economy so that we can grow. And when we do this, investment in our economy will lead to higher returns which can go into industry, health care, military and education. That is what we will do for you! We will make sure that we all get our due rewards for our efforts and that no part of Alduria is left behind.
So on Election Day, vote for hope. Vote for prosperity, vote for change. Vote for your children, vote for the future, vote for the Democratic Socialist Party! Thank you very much.
Marco Zimmer MP
MP for Valenciana (1678-)
Leader of the DSP (1678-)
Prime Minister of Alduria (1682-)
Former Deputy Prime Minister (1678-1682)
MP for Valenciana (1678-)
Leader of the DSP (1678-)
Prime Minister of Alduria (1682-)
Former Deputy Prime Minister (1678-1682)