![[Image: Euran_Destiny_Party.png]](https://static.miraheze.org/alduriawiki/8/81/Euran_Destiny_Party.png)
Euran Destiny Party Platform
The Euran Destiny Party believes in the sublime teachings and wisdom of His Serenity the Agha Beg, Yakim Aarash Parizad Salehrad, He of the Sublime Countenance and the All-Seeing Eye, Preceptor of Holy Wisdom, Venerable and Holy Patriarch of the True Faith, Seeker of Gnosis. It is erroneous to consider His Serenity to be the Leader of the Euran Destiny Party but it is true that the reverence shown by the Party Cadres to his thoughts and his examples in living the Rightly-Guided Life means that his "thought-leadership" serves in the function of coordinating and guiding the spontaneously self-organising adepts in a manner which, to the uninitiated, might be misconstrued as "leadership" in the vulgar and vernacular sense.
Long experience has taught Yakim Beg that the surest path to survival on the Euran continent is a veneration for obedience, hierarchy, and family. The Harmonious Society and the Sublime State can only be attained through selfless dedication to this precept. Yakim Beg disdains political labels as tawdry things, unworthy of such who would aspire to serve Zurvan through serving the community. Rather than seek to define himself through the appellations of left or right, which are meaningless in the Euran context, Yakim Beg instead seeks to cultivate righteousness amongst the seekers of knowledge. Ancient and noble Alkhiva is now a home for many races, and while there are some inconsiderate and hotheaded who oppose this as a corruption of essential Euran purity, the wise Yakim Beg rejects this and rather considers the refugees who have cast themselves upon the Euran shore to be a necessary transfusion on blood given to a dying man. Yakim Beg, with humbled reverence for the judgement of the almighty, considers it therefore his duty to teach to these newcomers, if they will accept his learning - imperfect as it is, the ways of this very Eura upon which they now propose to build their destiny.
The Euran Destiny Party cherishes the opportunity to create, in this Republic, a Sublime State with a Coordinated Government, leading Rightly-Guided citizens in the establishment of a Harmonious Society that extends the message of Peace, Love, and Protection across the entire Euran continent. But the Party, illuminated by the Transcendent Radiance of the Thought-Leader, understands that this is the work of years, and decades, if not centuries. In the present it is necessary for the Euran Destiny Party to recognise that, in this secular and democratic Republic, the closest thing to a Sublime State has been established for the first time in Eura since the Babkhan Holocaust. For this reason it must be defended and developed irrespective of the cost and to the utmost degree of striving and sacrifice if necessary.
The Euran Destiny Party is, for this election, committed to:
- Prioritising expenditure on national defence and infrastructure development:
- The creation of a strong navy to deter Bassarid/USSO sponsored pirate aggression in the Dyre Straits and Norfolk Isles;
- The establishment of a powerful, fast-moving, and hard-hitting, gendarmerie, capable of protecting the in-land borders of the Republic and striking far beyond the frontier against those who would threaten the harmonious society;
- The creation of a comprehensive, ground-based, air defence network, with an integrated communications and command and control network, with all necessary redundancies required to ensure continued operability under even the most adverse of circumstances;
- An electrical power generation, storage, and distribution system that is hardened against adverse environmental effects, such as are frequently endured when the shamal winds lift up vast clouds of radioactive dust, and worse, from the continental interior, as well as against the consequences of enemy action, for the risk of attack by pirates, bandits, or hostile predatory powers, is an ever present one
- Saving money by scrapping the wasteful border wall proposals and reinvesting in mobile armoured platforms capable of giving vigorous chase to the transgressors of the frontier even as they retreat beyond our borders - the true means of deterrence lies in demonstrating that there is no safe haven for malefactors to retreat to.
- The creation of a strong navy to deter Bassarid/USSO sponsored pirate aggression in the Dyre Straits and Norfolk Isles;
- The levying of tariffs on imports from countries without free trade agreements with the Republic in order to pay for the aforementioned;
- Aggressive campaigns of extermination against pirates on the high seas and bandit groups operating in the unorganised territories;
- Engagement and closer ties of friendship with the free Euran states (The Cerid, Constancia, Raspur);
- Engagement with the Tsardom of Phokland to steer it away from its ruinous course of pursuing membership of the USSO and the thraldom to the Bassarids that will entail;
- A posture of "vigilant armed neutrality" as the default for engagement with the wider international community outside of the immediate context of the Euran Continent, the troubles of Benacia and Keltia cannot be allowed to entangle us;
- The fostering of education and indoctrination programmes to equip the next generation of Aldurians with the necessary qualities they will require if they are to survive the harsh and unforgiving climate of Eura - they must learn the values of comradeship, readiness to support one another, bravery, self-discipline and not least honour and loyalty;
- We must recognise the demographic challenges facing the Republic - in addition to encouraging inward human migration by all who are willing to pledge loyalty and service to the Republic in return for land and work, we must also encourage Aldurians of all races to be fruitful and to multiply, to marry and to rear large families, even while allowing discretion and forbearance for individual preferences. At this precarious stage in the life of the Republic, we can afford for no citizen to be still unmarried and childless by the time that they leave their mid-twenties. This is not a question of morality or personal freedom, but one of absolute necessity - a national service of equal importance to bearing arms.
There are those to whom the activities of the party cadres, being cellular and secretive, are strongly suggestive of cult-like behaviour. This suspicion - a legacy of when the EDP first began to organise during the years of the Second Euran War when large parts of the country laboured under the lash of Iteran overseers or feared the sirens that heralded another Raspurid air-raid inbound towards the now cratered and abandoned Iteran cities - is not entirely without foundation. The Party eschews flashy advertising campaigns and glitzy media presentations in favour of building networks of influence at the grass-roots; town-by-town, street-by-street, door-by-door, neighbour-by-neighbour, the work of the Party Cadres is akin to that of missionaries for the great religions in as much as they give succour to the vulnerable and marginalised, establishing soup-kitchens, laundries, benevolent societies, and charitable associations for the relief of the poor. In recent months they have also taught self-defence classes for vulnerable settler communities on the frontiers who have found themselves all too vulnerable to the depredations of bandit clans and rogue Cerid troops operating out of the interior.
The Party generally prefers to put forward candidates who have already become known in the community for associating with good works and the poor relief, these tend to be humble and unassuming, in contrast to the oratory and charisma associated with the "thought-leaders" of the Party Cadres who emulate the prolix style of the Agha Beg himself.
The Euran Destiny Party has declined to put forward a presidential candidate for this election, judging the time to not yet be fully right.
The Party generally prefers to put forward candidates who have already become known in the community for associating with good works and the poor relief, these tend to be humble and unassuming, in contrast to the oratory and charisma associated with the "thought-leaders" of the Party Cadres who emulate the prolix style of the Agha Beg himself.
The Euran Destiny Party has declined to put forward a presidential candidate for this election, judging the time to not yet be fully right.