04-07-2020, 06:19 PM
(04-07-2020, 04:58 PM)Alfonso Velez Wrote: Velez on a campaign stop in Punta Santiago, asked by a reporter about the Aldurian Investigation report about Mr. Beaumont
"Well, look--I strongly believe in the right to privacy--and that includes my campaign opponents. Just because Mr. Beaumont believes he should be able to legislate what happens in my bedroom doesn't mean I'm going to say that I should have a care for what happens in his provided it only involves consenting adults. This whole incident highlights the trouble with the 'values campaign' that Mr. Beaumont and the rest of the ANA is running. The Government has no business getting involved in this sort of thing, and we certainly aren't in a position where we should be judging Mr. Beaumont by our standard of sexual ethics. Whatever actually happened, I hope Mr. Beaumont comes away from this incident with a fresh perspective and gives a greater care to the right to privacy for others--and the right to love, even if that love might not be morally acceptable to some people."
Responding to the recent comments by the Prime Minister, Robert Beaumont said:
Quote:Calling for a values-driven government in Punta Santiago does not mean that one must be perfect and blameless to aspire for better things. Indeed, my God and my faith calls for compassion, for forgiveness, and above all, for redemption.
I'm not campaigning or seeking leadership because I think I am on a morally higher plane than anyone else. I don't call for our country to stand up for the sanctity of life or for the conservation of marriage as one man and one woman because I am perfect. It is because these are things that our government must support. It is because a government where values does not matter is a government that cannot have any full legitimacy.
It's not my business to comment on anyone's private matters, but it is everyone's business to expect a government that is better and serves them well.
Soraya Hoseini
Aldurian National Alliance
MP from the Baatharzi Autonomous Region
(Previously played: Robert Beaumont until May 12, 2020)
Aldurian National Alliance
MP from the Baatharzi Autonomous Region
(Previously played: Robert Beaumont until May 12, 2020)