04-09-2020, 05:01 PM
Response to Email Leak
DSP HQ Press Room- Cameras click in the background as Marco appears with and sits down
Hello, I’m here to address the recent email link about my part in strike action involving the Aldurian Union of Teamsters. And I’m here to iron out the facts and answer and questions you have about it. I will talk about it for a bit and then you can ask the questions. Anyway, let’s begin.
Firstly, I did support a deal to be reached between the Trade Union and the companies. I would never support strike action without sufficient efforts first to get a deal for the workers. Because overall, it is them at stake, their livelihoods, their families and I will always want the best for them. I would never put that at stake for political points scoring. I obviously wanted a deal to be struck.
Secondly, I did support strike action, but I did it for, what I believe to be, the right reasons. The ones that were pointed out at the time by the union officials. To raise the standard of living of the workers and their families, to achieve job security and other things like affordable healthcare. It’s important our workers get a fair deal at work. But it’s, unfortunately, so often you see worker’s rights abused by large companies and that is what I came into politics to change.
But one thing that can come out of this is that I practice what I preach, I will fight for worker’s rights and the working class know that I am always in their corner and do what I can to help them and protect their rights against large companies. That is what I have done through my life and that is what I will do as Prime Minister!
DSP HQ Press Room- Cameras click in the background as Marco appears with and sits down
Hello, I’m here to address the recent email link about my part in strike action involving the Aldurian Union of Teamsters. And I’m here to iron out the facts and answer and questions you have about it. I will talk about it for a bit and then you can ask the questions. Anyway, let’s begin.
Firstly, I did support a deal to be reached between the Trade Union and the companies. I would never support strike action without sufficient efforts first to get a deal for the workers. Because overall, it is them at stake, their livelihoods, their families and I will always want the best for them. I would never put that at stake for political points scoring. I obviously wanted a deal to be struck.
Secondly, I did support strike action, but I did it for, what I believe to be, the right reasons. The ones that were pointed out at the time by the union officials. To raise the standard of living of the workers and their families, to achieve job security and other things like affordable healthcare. It’s important our workers get a fair deal at work. But it’s, unfortunately, so often you see worker’s rights abused by large companies and that is what I came into politics to change.
But one thing that can come out of this is that I practice what I preach, I will fight for worker’s rights and the working class know that I am always in their corner and do what I can to help them and protect their rights against large companies. That is what I have done through my life and that is what I will do as Prime Minister!
Marco Zimmer MP
MP for Valenciana (1678-)
Leader of the DSP (1678-)
Prime Minister of Alduria (1682-)
Former Deputy Prime Minister (1678-1682)
MP for Valenciana (1678-)
Leader of the DSP (1678-)
Prime Minister of Alduria (1682-)
Former Deputy Prime Minister (1678-1682)