05-12-2019, 03:56 PM
(05-12-2019, 03:42 PM)Alduria Wrote: Questions from the press - Barak Press Conference
Newsflash reporter Marta Lopez: "Deputy Prime Minister, thank you for being with us today. What kind of environmental regulations would the New Center enact? Could you provide some specifics?"
NABC reporter Joseph Delors: "Deputy Prime Minister, thank you. The Bassarids have enacted protections for Aldurian ships and commerce. What do you think about that? What will the Aldurian government do? What would you do as Prime Minister?"
(OOC: I am happy to throw a question or two at a press conference you guys do - feel free to message me in Discord if you do one and want me to throw a couple questions. One will be a softball or a clarification on your remarks, the other will not be so soft.)
Thank you for your question, Ms. Lopez. In regard to regulations, the New Center will be enacting policies such as adding taxes to those who dispose of their waste in the rivers. The percent of the tax will be up for debate among our party. I also will enact bills that will protect strips of rivers near parks and other scenic areas.
I also thank you for your question as well, Mr. Delors. I am very pleased with the Bassarids in regard to this policy. The party, although accepting of this policy, will still keep a watchful eye on Bassarid actions in and around our waters. I have heard of the concerns with the Bassarid statement, but I wish to let the public know that there should be no worry with this. If they wish to distance themselves from the state, than that is what they will do. If they wish to challenge the state, challenge they will receive back.
I, myself, will echo these statements in my policies. A "balanced neutrality" I will call it. If they don't bother us, we won't bother them. If they bother us, like I said before, they will see what shall happen. I wish to see relations with the Bassarids kept in relatively decent shape.
Thank you all for your questions. More conferences will follow soon.
Tzvi Barak
(Former) Leader of the New Center Party
Lord of Rakija
(Former) Leader of the New Center Party
Lord of Rakija