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Madam Speaker,
I won't give a lengthy oration on this common-sense resolution, particularly since my Honourable Friend, the Secretary of the Interior, has a great deal more knowledge than I do about the scientific issues and facts that have precipitated this crisis. What I will say is that it is clear that we ought to seek out all of the help we can get in resolving this crisis--help from the private sector, help from our Government departments--and help from our friends all around Micras.
Some may see asking for help as a weakness. I couldn't disagree more. I see this resolution as an excellent opportunity to address a serious problem facing our great Republic--and also an excellent opportunity to forge deeper friendships with nations from all across Micras. This resolution respects our national integrity and sovereignty but recognizes the urgent need for action.
I call upon this Parliament to do the right thing and approve this resolution to express to the President our desire for him to take these steps to assist us in addressing this crisis.
Given the urgency of this situation, I ask unanimous consent that this resolution be passed immediately.
Alfonso Velez, MP
Liberty and Democracy Party
Leader of the Opposition
CEO of 4Hire and Velez Investments
Former Prime Minister of The Republic of Alduria (1672-1682)
Posts: 209
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Joined: Jun 2019
The Motion for Unanimous Consent for the bill to be passed immediately is recognized, 24 hours for objections.
The Chair also opens up the floor for General Debate. All Members may now offer any debate or amendments. Debate shall be open for no less than 48 hours, unless the Unanimous Consent request is not objected to, at which point debate shall immediately close.
Maria Rejo
Liberty & Democracy Party
Speaker of Parliament
Posts: 209
Threads: 49
Joined: Jun 2019
Hearing no objection to the Unanimous Consent request to pass the bill and 24 hours having passed for objections, R-002 is adopted by Parliament.
raps gavel
Maria Rejo
Liberty & Democracy Party
Speaker of Parliament