Treaty Between the Republic of Alduria and the Tsardom of Phokland.[/center]
DESIRING to formalize a genuine friendship based on the principles of mutual respect and cooperation, the Republic of Alduria, represented by the Secretary of State of Alduria and the Tsardom of Phokland, represented by its Foreign Minister, gather together to affirm the following as a Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Recognition between themselves: -
There shall be a Perpetual State of mutual recognition and friendship between the Republic of Alduria and the Tsardom of Phokland. The two aforementioned nations shall be committed to a peaceful resolution of any and all issues that may occur to estrange and otherwise alienate them one from the other.
Neither nation, nor any officers, individuals or other agents acting under the authority of any government, organization or individual of or within either nation, shall commit any form of hostile, aggressive, subversive or destabilizing act against the other, nor against any individuals, organizations or property under either nation's sovereign jurisdiction or control, including damage or disruption to any goods, products or services that may be provided by third parties. Both Nations shall refrain from any aggressive, belligerent, or hostile act or policy, either overtly or covertly, directed against the other.
The signatory Nations shall respect the diplomatic envoys of each other, their diplomatic correspondence and their offices, as well as all other government structures of each other.
The signatory Nations shall recognize any titles and other honors granted by their respective Leaders to their citizens and to other persons, and vice versa.
The signatory Nations may appoint an ambassador or envoy to the other in order to foster good relations. The host nation shall reserve the right to expel an ambassador or envoy found to have committed any activities that are in contravention of either any part of this Treaty or its own laws.
The citizens of the Republic of Alduria with a valid, current and official passport issued by the government of the Republic of Alduria may enter and stay without a visa in the territory of the Tsardom of Phokland for a period of 90 days during a yearlong period. The citizens of the Tsardom of Phokland with a valid, current and official passport issued by the government of the Tsardom of Phokland may enter and stay without a visa in the territory of the Republic of Alduria for a period of 90 days during a yearlong period.
Students officially registered in a University, College, or educational institution located in the Republic of Alduria with valid, current and official passport issued by the government of the Republic of Alduria may enter and stay without a visa in the territory of the Tsardom of Phokland for up to 180 days during a yearlong period. Students officially registered in a University, College, or educational institution located in the Tsardom of Phokland with valid, current and official passport issued by the government of the Tsardom of Phokland may enter and stay without a visa in the territory of the Republic of Alduria for up to 180 days during a yearlong period.
The signatory Nations accept to work together whenever possible to lower trade barriers with each other and express their determination to resist protectionist pressures of all kinds, and will seek to undertake with immediate effect, not to take any trade measures that would undermine or adversely affect the advancement of free and open trade and commerce between themselves.
The signatory Nations confirm their resolution to strive for greater coherence of policies in the fields of trade, money, and finance, including cooperation between themselves for that purpose.
This Treaty may only be amended, revised, enlarged and expanded upon the concurrence of both signatory Nations. Any contrary action or measure shall be null and void.
This Treaty shall enter into force upon ratification by both signatory Nations' governments by whatever constitutional method is used in said nations.
Either party may withdraw from this Treaty provided that seven days' written notice (defined as a post on the forums of both nations by the withdrawing nation's head of state, ratified by whatever legislative procedures are necessary) is given.[/quote]
empersonIRL Wrote:okie dokie
![[Image: VbcF9Xo.png]](
Quote:Signed for the Republic of Alduria,
Secretary of State.